Round 13 - Rabbitohs vs Broncos

whenever the commentators say it was a tight call against the broncos you know that really means it was a bs call and if it was any other team we would be blowing up delux calling the refs out.
That’s been a loose carry 75/100 times but not tonight. This fucking sport man
This team is useless, the game is there to be won. Croft having an average game
What a stupid challenge. We are our own worst enemy.
I just find it weird that they looked at the replay 6 or 7 times in silence, then as soon as Warren Ryan said "I wonder if the kicker doesn't get ahead of Reynolds to put him onside there" the bunker burst into life and ruled exactly that.
This referee and the bunker are such a dogs. Unbelievable they get away with this shit
Rugby league
An attacking player is offside if he is in front of the ball: if he is in front of a ball which is then kicked, he can be put onside if the kicker subsequently moves ahead of him before the ball is caught.
This rule has been around forever, Gould would go on about it every game back in the day. It's a fair try 100%. Our players fell asleep instead of reacting.