Round 13 - Raiders vs Broncos - LIVE Discussion

yea agreed although i think griffin still needs a neil henry type assistant coach. someone who can come up with good attacking plays and find weaknesses in the oppositions defense. i think that's were griffin might be lacking and needs some improvement.
Alex Glenn: hey boys I'm gonna throw a dummy, just wait I'm about to do it, doing it.... Now.

*hunt kicks the conversion

Shillington: "hey lads I think he just throw a dummy... We need to make Canberra stadium a fortress"

Glenn's dummy fooled me. We had huge numbers out to the left but Canberra were there too and moved up fast. I was already watching it unfold in my head, too many players getting in each others way, Hoffman would die with the ball. Or someone will rush a grubber that bounces off Canberra legs and they get possession. Or just a big messy clusterfuck. Then BAM, Glenn dummies and he's in.
@peterp79: Josh McGuire not charged for any incident last night & nor should he have been. 2nd incident that went on report was a joke!
His first was definitely full retard, but the 2nd was a joke. QLD needs to fucking pick him soon.