Round 14 - Eels vs Broncos

Why aren't we up for this game?

Can't wait for our comeback with 15 to go.
Was this the same Corey oates that talked us up as a top 4 chance this year? Fucking flops I am over them thinking they are somehow on the same level as the past players who have worn the broncos jersey
I can’t stop laughing. That was the most retarded thing I’ve ever seen in rugby league. Oates is obviously sick of playing origin
**** Oates can have an almighty shit game
He is our version of skd
Oates is more Weeties tonight but hey he wins us more than he stuffs up Vatuvei style
On a good night we're the 2nd best team in the comp (Storm will still beat us no matter what). On a bad night, we are legitimately the worst team in the NRL.