PRE-GAME [Round 18, 2024] Broncos vs Panthers



International Rep
Apr 14, 2013
Is Walsh actually injured or not? If he is not injured, I'd go:

1. Walsh
2. Arthars
3. Mariner (I think Staggs will be suspended)
4. Cobbo
5. Karapani
6. Mam
7. Madden
8. Jensen
9. Smoothy
10. Haas
11. Piakura
12. Hunt (Jetski is likely gone for ages, Patson if Hunt is injured)
13. Carrigan

14. Mozer
15. Willison
16. Taupau
17. Oates (Hetherington if Oates is injured)

Hunt's hand operation is this week.


Just a Game
Aug 28, 2010
Hoeter destroyed his knee and Pereira I think is shoulder related but Pereira announced his retirement this week.
Oh dear. Really not chuffed with how little experience Kev has in his roster. It’s out of balance still.


Senior Staff
Sep 6, 2013
Oh dear. Really not chuffed with how little experience Kev has in his roster. It’s out of balance still.

I'm not really sure what else Kevvie can do to be honest. Look at the current squad depth:

Baker - experienced enough - unfortunately has turned out to be useless - injured
Hunt - experience - was doing pretty well to be honest - injured
Taupau - experience - has been injured - now back in the team
Hoeter - experience - out long term
Pereira - experience - out long term
Sailor - experienced enough - playing so badly
Oates - experience - injured
Arthars - experience - has been injured, just returned
Reynolds - experience - long term injured
Gosiewski - experience - was picked - now injured
Paix - experience enough - but not a position of need at present

So basically there is enough experience in the squad but basically almost of them are injured or have only recently returned or just played origin.

Unfortunately, this means we are now relying on kids.
Big Pete

Big Pete

International Captain
Mar 12, 2008
Paix - experience enough - but not a position of need at present
I believe he's also injured.

He was struggling to get around the field against the Dolphins last week and didn't return in the second half.

Then Bukowski came in for him today in the Seagulls heart-breaking loss to the Falcons this afternoon.
Bucking Beads

Bucking Beads

International Captain
Mar 5, 2008
It’s a must win game or our season is pretty much over tbh. This season feels like a reality check for our team and our fans. Disappointing but our depth really was never good enough.


Just a Game
Aug 28, 2010
I'm not really sure what else Kevvie can do to be honest. Look at the current squad depth:

Baker - experienced enough - unfortunately has turned out to be useless - injured
Hunt - experience - was doing pretty well to be honest - injured
Taupau - experience - has been injured - now back in the team
Hoeter - experience - out long term
Pereira - experience - out long term
Sailor - experienced enough - playing so badly
Oates - experience - injured
Arthars - experience - has been injured, just returned
Reynolds - experience - long term injured
Gosiewski - experience - was picked - now injured
Paix - experience enough - but not a position of need at present

So basically there is enough experience in the squad but basically almost of them are injured or have only recently returned or just played origin.

Unfortunately, this means we are now relying on kids.
For me, experience is more like 27 years old +, 100 games.

Baker - bad signing, borderline experienced
Hunt - bad signing, borderline experienced
Taupau - perfect example
Hoeter - good example, unlucky
Pereira - good example, unlucky
Sailor - not experienced, bad attributes
Oates - perfect example; unlucky with decline
Arthars - perfect
Reynolds - better than perfect
Gosiewski - bad signing, barely experienced
Paix -position not required


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