Round 20 - Cowboys vs. Broncos - LIVE DISCUSSION

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Hunt has had some really good kicks so far, one of them was misjudged slightly by Oates and the other wasn't scored because of.... well because it's Maranta on the right wing and not Yow Yeh.
Is it just me, or were we looking a lot better before Peter Wallace came on......?

Yes and no, we were on the defensive when he came on and most sets were just to get us out of trouble. I don't think he passed it to a half yet
I don't understand why you take macca off while we were well on top and he was playing well, hate coaches going into a game with a preconceived plan on interchanges, go with the mood of the game.

Not the first time this has happened. I remember a game against the Knights where Hook did it.
When wallace came on we started reverting back to one out stuff.
Plenty of points for the cowboys if they hold onto the ball, our defence is getting caught short a lot.
I don't understand why you take macca off while we were well on top and he was playing well, hate coaches going into a game with a preconceived plan on interchanges, go with the mood of the game.

That would be my number one hang up with Griffin. He doesn't play what's in front of him.
When wallace came on we started reverting back to one out stuff.

It just seems like a typical Griffin thing to do. "OK, we are in front, let's defend the lead for the rest of the match".

The extra penalties given away are just a handicap I guess.
Now comes the crucial part of the game, the first ten minutes of the 2nd half will decide if we win or not, all too common for us to lose matches this season on the back of poor starts in the 2nd half.
I can't believe what I'm about to say ..........>sigh< bring back Ray Hadley.

Tim Gilbert is such a shitcunt.
Yes and no, we were on the defensive when he came on and most sets were just to get us out of trouble. I don't think he passed it to a half yet

agree with this, by the time Wallace came on we were just on the defensive.
I just hope he doesn't tell them we will defend our way to victory
Good first half. Getting hammered with penalties. If that evens up we win.
This Oates is a serious keeper ... has a terrific build for the game and looks like he could play any position he wants in the future ...
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