Round 4 - 13th October

Wow! LOLZ, total miscalculation by the cox. Sorry guys!
Well my knees a bit dodgey today so I'll only be on for some short runs anyways.
6-6 draw last night. A bit embarrassing, they only had 7 players and we had a full team and 4 subs! DOH.

Worst. Referee. Ever!

Thanks to Midge and Queenslander who helped out.

When we actually ran straight we went better. Seemed everyone just wanted to run to the sideline all night :P And Hammo, the ref was right, you were tagged before you passed :P
Can't believe we got a draw out of that game. Seemed like we were well behind. Good to get a game in with you guys even though its a marathon to drive there! Let me know if you are "short" again Coxy :P
LOLZ yeah sorry about that. But as you saw, Friday or Saturday it looked like only 8 people had replied saying they were coming, and Andy said Stu "probably" wouldn't come that late.

And yeah, can't believe we snatched a draw! LOL. I said that after the game and one of those guys said "yeah, stole a draw, you had 12 players". Yeah, but we were down about 4-1 at half time! :P
We didn't deserve the draw but we will take it.. We scored some cracking try's too.
Beads6 said:
We didn't deserve the draw but we will take it.. We scored some cracking try's too.

Yeah, wicked intercept from you Beads!
Well I was happy with it they do make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside!! Our attack does need work though we were doing out of form Lockyers all night last night.
Yep. Let's take the ball from first receiver and run across field, totally jamming up all our outside runners, leaving nowhere to go and then throw a wild inside pass that goes to ground. Doh!
It is a bad habit most of us have.. I did it on a few occasions I think. It happens because everyone wants to be the hero especially HAMMO!!
LOLZ! So true.

And it'd be fine if you had people running at gaps, but we're in the bad habit of seeing someone running with the ball and hang back and wait for them to do something. Just about every try we scored was because there were players in motion and someone ran onto a pass...a good pass. Weren't many of them last night I admit! :P

Ghibli's to me was a good'un though, nice inside ball in traffic, caught the defence napping.

Ha, who's too fat and slow now bastards? :P
Haha yeah it is the same old story about players in motion but when the runner is coming side ways it gives you nowhere to run..
Yep. Another thing we need to remember in oztag is that cut outs are usually pretty crap. Better to use the hands, and if you want to use a decoy, use them as a decoy switch, or at most do a second man play/one man cut out.

Long loopy passes to the winger from midfield don't usually produce much. Going through the hands quickly with everyone running straight at gaps is better. More likely to catch someone out in defence.

Ah well.
Coxy said:
6-6 draw last night. A bit embarrassing, they only had 7 players and we had a full team and 4 subs! DOH.

Worst. Referee. Ever!

Thanks to Midge and Queenslander who helped out.

When we actually ran straight we went better. Seemed everyone just wanted to run to the sideline all night :P And Hammo, the ref was right, you were tagged before you passed :P

I see you guys really missed me last night. [icon_razz1 don't panic boys i am back in the lineup for next week icon_thumbs_u