Round 4 - Broncos vs Raiders

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His hands are horrible
Broken field play and Milford side steps into the ground. He needs to lose weight.
Seriously. What the **** is wrong with Milford. He fell over and just stayed on the ground. Get up you fat prick.
milf is without doubt playing worst i have ever seen him its like his mind isnt with it. even before this latest benji stuff. any insiders know if his private life is going ok? seems so distrated since game 1
Good defence
and rapinganna get stuffed
Knock on. Thaidays guts hit the ground first .
Hunt has been really good tonight.
Mccullough is soo an attacking option
slamming sam just slammed a knock down on
Milford with the knock back for once.
hate that rule im sorry but if player knocks it dead accidently surely it shuold not be a 7 tackle set its such hrose shit
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