Round 4 - Broncos vs. Storm - LIVE DISCUSSION

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Stupid penalty.
Get over your self, seriously, this was always going to be a train wreak. We didn't score a point against the Roosters and the Storm are a far better defensive team. And IMO that was a lucky try.
How was it lucky.... it was good work from gillet to get a quick play the ball, good work from macca to identify that and good work from hoffman to get to the line
What a bullshit penalty. Oh, you're showing concern for an injured player... PENALTY. FMD.
Wallace is hooker hunt halfback I thi k.
Only just tuned in, glad to see that the Broncos have some points on the board.
It's not like they never do that either, that's one of their pet plays.
Honestly that is just class idk what we're supposed to about that
Too good from Melbourne.

Nice effort from our boys to do everything they could.
Can't stand those bastards when they play us.
Stagg on for Reed? Is that a mistake.
Sanderson with his trademark mistake.
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