[Round 6, 2022] Panthers vs Broncos

Hate these reviews ffs. How many bombed tries by Staggs
what is it about the penrith players? Has there been a bigger group of blokes that are just so unlikeable?

Maybe you can call it sour grapes from other fans but i dont think i have seen a team neally universally hated as much as them by neally any other fan.

their coach abandoned a struggling team mid contract after repeatedly saying he wouldn’t, and after abusing players that did the same for the prior 6 months.

nearly their entire backline are arrogant wankers who wannabe tough listening to western Sydney drill music

and they celebrate every single try, whether down 30 or up 30, like they just won the grand final… and when people pointed out it was unnecessary, they were smartasses about it.

not hard to see why
good effort from him but that really is a hard take all in one motion. cant blame him to much for that just a bit unlucky