I didn't even feel like this when Hook was the coach. This was bad fellas, real bad. No heart, no leadership. Overpaid is not even saying it right. Milf is cactus here at the Broncos. Macca was about as good tonight as he would have been for us but with a half like Pearce everything just looks crisper. Milf is dead wood, he had something but year after year it has diminished to now being as poor and embarrassing as boyd.
Our spine is just a nothing doing spine. Izaako just doesn't have the x factor for fullback. He is a winger and nothing else. There is no motion, no cuts no speed no nothing. It is simply shovel it wide.
Boyds finished and I can't believe I have to say it again.
This club needs a shake up big time, people need to be accountable and the only way you can do it is by dropping them. I feel dead when watching this side. There is no energy, no will and no creative spark in attack. Defence is just poor, all frustration boiling over, ill discipline and poor execution.
Seibs looks like a shell in the box, a big 0. Nothing doing, no venom, no fxxx yous or piss offs, nothing. Just a glazed look of what do I do. He didn't get a ripe roster, he got raw and rotten one. He probably has the worst performing senior players in the league, losers to man. But he also looks like a loser himself, no energy and all talk at the moment.