POST GAME [Round 7, 2024] Broncos vs Raiders

Big Del

Big Del

NRL Captain
Apr 22, 2017
Try on the morning you are supposed to leave Brisbane it sucked I am glad I am home I had a glass of ginger ale

Ginger is good tonic for your stomach .
Anti nausea . It`s in some sea sickness meds . I like a Bundy ginger beer if my tummy is not happy .


NRL Player
Jul 28, 2023
Ginger is good tonic for your stomach .
Anti nausea . It`s in some sea sickness meds . I like a Bundy ginger beer if my tummy is not happy .
I trust ginger ale I could have called Room Service but $5.00 fee forget it


NRL Player
Jul 28, 2023
C`mon Gal loosen those purse strings .
We are celebrating a glorious victory by our boys . LOL .
I tried to get up unfortunately 😕 I just wanted to run to the bathroom in my suite then I thought I missed my bus ride

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