Scott Minto - The People's Immortal

The leaping gazelle gets his due recognition. Now at Origin time, QLD can lead their players past this thing of beauty for inspiration.
Sportsbet have been coming out with some cracker league related content lately.
Can I assume this is a short lived and very temporary joke?
That try against the Storm is still one of the best things to ever happen on a football field. It's is like watching a David Attenborough documentary where the pack of lions are chasing a gazelle and the gazelle schools them. We need more Minto.
That try against the Storm is still one of the best things to ever happen on a football field. It's is like watching a David Attenborough documentary where the pack of lions are chasing a gazelle and the gazelle schools them. We need more Minto.

David Attenborough narrating that try would be so awesome. We should send him a couple of bucks each to do it.
Its a better statue than this one!
That try against the Storm is still one of the best things to ever happen on a football field. It's is like watching a David Attenborough documentary where the pack of lions are chasing a gazelle and the gazelle schools them. We need more Minto.

Wasn't it the only try that Wayne Bennett ever went nuts over? Speaks volumes of the greatness that is Scott Minto.
Really Minto's should have been made of solid gold. Not just common brass.

Doesn't brass have innate sterilising qualities, which is why it was always used for ye old door handles etc?

Perfect for Minto. Hundreds of years in to the future, you'll be able to lick that statue without fear.