So I emailed the club, shortly after the loss to the Titans...

Well I'm sure we ALL could and should write letters , but whether someone intelligent enough to read them and seriously respond is perhaps questionable . By their own admission they cannot see their own mistakes biting them in the arse right now, and are seemingly unaware their comments about staying the course are actually I believe, seriously deluded . Out of sheer due diligence the board needs to meet and send off the CEO , then the Coach, and that should be the first and second item of business asap. This is a top down abject failure to sustain good and healthy management , as evidenced by the Boards rhetoric and astonishingly poor judgment calls . It then percolates down the line to, and at the end results in these unacceptable performances on the footy field . Any place is only as good as its run , and only the financial decisions by the club and its masters are being ill-considered here it seems , and when that suffers , which it invariably will , is only when It will be deemed necessary to make wholesale changes . All I'm saying is the hard heads of this club will put it on the skids , and really as a consequence , we the fans are therefore being robbed of our pride in a competitive team it seems , year after year after fucking year.
The Broncos HQ is a really great forum , but I'd really prefer to discuss more positive things about our players just performing to their ability , win or lose , Or …. again hear about Alf dancing drunk in his undies , after another gutsy Broncos win or something I can actually be proud of !!!!
I'm sure the club will take recruitment advice and employment advice from a "fan" seriously
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Yep, agree, or loss in a morass of similar emails. I doubt whether anyone is reading them.

In a strange twist it's more than likely Katherine Bennett reading them and replying.
I reckon ‘for review’ is what they call their Outlook Deleted Items folder.

Yep. That’s exactly where it’s headed. Typical generic response and a response I’ve gotten before. They don’t forward it to anyone, they just delete them.
I wouldn’t respond to that email either. There’s feedback and there’s ranting. That’s a rant with some swearing and threats. What did you hope they would do?

Maybe talking about how you’re a long time supporter and you’re bitterly disappointed would’ve gotten you some free merch as penance?
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I wouldn’t respond to that email either. There’s feedback and there’s ranting. That’s a rant with some swearing and threats. What did you hope they would do?

Maybe talking about how you’re a long tome supporter and you’re bitterly disappointed would’ve gotten you some free merch as penance?

What a great reply
Of course you're correct to point that out Foordy , what do I know . I'm not privy or qualified to comment about anything re the management of this club and that's for sure . I'm just barking from the sidelines , like you and the rest of the threads in here. It's however a great place to have and share an opinion . Maybe if the Club read some of these comments , they might get a better informed idea or even a realistic perspective of what they are doing , but hey they can just look at the results their achieving , and pat themselves on the back . Sure they can do that , and tell us all the bullshit they like . Fans contribute a great deal to this club and if they continually throw this shit at us , well that surely transpires to less revenue for them . My bum won't be on a seat anytime soon watching this near laughing stock of the League and I'm a rusted on "Fan " .
I wouldn’t respond to that email either. There’s feedback and there’s ranting. That’s a rant with some swearing and threats. What did you hope they would do?

Maybe talking about how you’re a long tome supporter and you’re bitterly disappointed would’ve gotten you some free merch as penance?

I don't think he's complaining about the nothing response, more that it's a weird canned response saying they will review it.

Club wouldn't give you something for free no matter what, they are pretty shit when it comes to that thing with fans. Hell, the winners who get a signed jersey don't even get real jerseys.
Hell, the winners who get a signed jersey don't even get real jerseys.
Seriously? That's messed up. I remember being a bit pissed off too in 15 or 16, I had to fork out 180 bucks for a jersey but the club sent them in gift boxes to all the journos and whatnot. I get we have to pay for things but it's a bit of a spit in the eye when Pete fucken Badel gets gifted one.
Seriously? That's messed up. I remember being a bit pissed off too in 15 or 16, I had to fork out 180 bucks for a jersey but the club sent them in gift boxes to all the journos and whatnot. I get we have to pay for things but it's a bit of a spit in the eye when Pete fucken Badel gets gifted one.

It's a jersey, but has lines and numbers on the bottom for where the players are meant to sign. It's was pretty disappointing, not something you could frame and put up and actually think looked good compared to a real jersey.
I actually received a call from the club today to apologise for the ongoing poor performance of the team. I sent an email Saturday night after the titans game basically just saying I was disappointed with the lack of effort and received the same reply saying email has been forwarded to the relevant person. Obviously it was probably just an admin guy that called me, but at least they took the time to call.
Honestly, I have felt for a very long time (before and during the time I held 2 memberships - always took a random mate) that the club was very poor with their fans. They never really engaged after the game. Their merch was becoming more expensive and lower quality. Their public appearances were basically a queue for signing/photo and no interaction. The best interaction I had was randomly meeting Ben Hunt at Eat Street. The rest made me feel like some desperate loser/stalker waiting around to catch a drop of sweat. For the kids, it is huge when the players lob/pass some cheap shirts or balls into the crowd after the game. But I haven't seen that since the 90s.