Storm Ad Offends Womanly Eagles.

Mar 4, 2008
Storm ad offends womanly Eagles
By Dean Ritchie | April 10, 2008 12:00am

MELBOURNE have infuriated Manly with an advertisement promoting tomorrow night's grand final replay, which claims the Sea Eagles are women.

The online advert - sent to sponsors, media and club contacts - shows Melbourne's mascot Storm Man writing 'WO' in front of MANLY to suggest the Sea Eagles are WOMANLY.


"It's just embarrassing for the game," Mayer said.

"They have obviously spent their marketing budget on the legal defences of their tackling techniques."

"I'm not sure whether it is supposed to be amusing or inflammatory."

But Melbourne chief executive Brian Waldron said Mayer was just being a "sook".

"Sooky, sooky, la la," Waldron said.

"Do we care what Grant Mayer says?"

Mayer said: "Obviously Brian's vocabulary is just as clever as his marketing skills." ... 66,00.html
Wow - talk about 2 kiddies fighting in the playground! Sooky, sooky, la, la? [icon_lol1.
Haha that's pretty funny.

can't stand either club tbh.... but haha Well done Storm... god it would be funny if Manly came out and bashed em round the park, pulled out some big shots and stuff.
What a bunch of sooks. Maybe if they had manned up in the GF then the ad men would be taking them more seriously. I'd call them a bunch of girls but that would be insulting to the fairer gender.
You'd think Manly have a little more to be worried about... like getting Watmough to possibly miss LESS than 15 tackles this time he plays against the Storm [icon_evillaugh
It's definitely offensive.

Women don't go missing in action the way Manly did in the Grand Final! Women around the world should be insulted that they are being compared!
I reckon the ad was hilarious. Hopefully they get a bumper crowd down there for friday night footy.

Melbourne ftw 13+
And judging by how manly played, women should definitely be offended to be compared to that bunch of toss pots.