Storm Cheating


NRL Player
May 10, 2019
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Regarding Michael Crocker's recent statement (listed below) about the Storms stripped premierships.

All I can say is there should be a term for this kind of statement. I suggest the ''Armstrong defence", in memory of the serial cheat Lance Armstrong who compared needling up before a race with banned drugs to checking that your tyres were pumped.. just something that everyone had to do.

As a supporter of a rival club I call bollocks on the Armstrong defence. I suggest to Michael that his club cheated, were caught and were punished. Simple.

Crocker said "I absolutely think we won it" and suggested the critics should "do some research".
"I think if you look at the premiership-winners over the last 30 or 40 years, I dare say there would be a few teams over the cap in that period," Crocker told Wide World of Sports.
"If someone wants to go back and do some research about what was happening back then, feel free.
"But I don't think anyone should be ripping into anyone."
I used to get angry at these ***** claiming these premierships as real, but to know that they think it's real when everyone tells them it's not must be shit for them. The ones that didn't know, don't deserve that. But the ones that did, this is on them, their greed cost them and their teammates two premierships. EAD.
Comes across like a true footy player. Do the research.

They did dickhead, you lot were cheating.
Broncos all but signed cam smith in 2008 and somehow magically barb told him to stay in Melbourne. Yeah, nah, you cheating players knew what was happening. Cam got paid a bazillion extra bucks to stay and like all true criminals lie through the teeth and believe they’re innocent until they die.
hate em.
Broncos all but signed cam smith in 2008 and somehow magically barb told him to stay in Melbourne. Yeah, nah, you cheating players knew what was happening. Cam got paid a bazillion extra bucks to stay and like all true criminals lie through the teeth and believe they’re innocent until they die.
hate em.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Smith have no player manager at some point during the rort? Or was that another player?