Storm v Raiders *spoilers*

mal said:
Coxy said:
Agree 1000% with Aeetee. The Storm are a stain on the jocks of rugby league.

2nd that.

It's funny how quickly it's changed. I know people used to like them because they were another non-NSW team, and had a genuine interest in how they went.

Seems that since they got into the 06 Grand Final, their heads were lifted swifty up their own ass' and absolutely love themselves, and will whinge till they are purple in the face to make sure they are heard.

That and the dirty tactics.

Now I don't know anyone who likes them apart from atual supporters.
I have to say that if there was a grand final Storm vs NSWTeam, I'd be going for the storm (a team full of QLDers I might add) all the way. Like last year v goes against every thing I was brought up to believe to support a Sydney side. Like the Roosters v NZ, it isn't right to go for a NZ team over an Aussie team, unless that Aussie team is from NSW and playing Rugby League.
I love the storm. How can you hate a team full of qlders...? dont make me pull out the storm signature again [icon_razz1

I love the storm. How can you hate a team full of qlders...? dont make me pull out the storm signature again [icon_razz1

Different comp, boyo. By your reasoning, we should love teams with plenty of Aussies in them too, because we support Australia? Blerch, f**k that. I support Qlders only when they are wearing a Maroons (or Broncos) jersey.
mick! said:
I love the storm. How can you hate a team full of qlders...? dont make me pull out the storm signature again [icon_razz1

Different comp, boyo. By your reasoning, we should love teams with plenty of Aussies in them too, because we support Australia? Blerch, f**k that. I support Qlders only when they are wearing a Maroons (or Broncos) jersey.

If it was an international comp with aussies playing in say, south africa, then yeah, that would be the same, but its not. So while i see your point, i tend to think you're wrong [icon_razz1
Do you support the Warriors, QUEENSLANDER? What, with Tate and Price...two orsm Queenslanders :P
Coxy said:
Do you support the Warriors, QUEENSLANDER? What, with Tate and Price...two orsm Queenslanders :P

I like the storm because a great deal of their team are qlders. The warriors have a few, fien would be another? I dont mind the warriors, but its not because of who plays for them, its the style of footy they play.
Coxy said:
Do you support the Warriors, QUEENSLANDER? What, with Tate and Price...two orsm Queenslanders :P

I like the storm because a great deal of their team are qlders. The warriors have a few, fien would be another? I dont mind the warriors, but its not because of who plays for them, its the style of footy they play.

I like their style too. And Fein is now officially a Kiwi [eusa_naugh Stupid residency rules.

I just hate seeing what the Storm are making their Queenslanders do...all that niggling crap. It's one thing to have a few players that do it, but to be coached as a team unit to strangle opponents. Well, that leaves a bitter taste in my mouth (or maybe that's the after taste of the coffee I just had?)
Coxy said:
Coxy said:
Do you support the Warriors, QUEENSLANDER? What, with Tate and Price...two orsm Queenslanders :P

I like the storm because a great deal of their team are qlders. The warriors have a few, fien would be another? I dont mind the warriors, but its not because of who plays for them, its the style of footy they play.

I like their style too. And Fein is now officially a Kiwi [eusa_naugh Stupid residency rules.

I just hate seeing what the Storm are making their Queenslanders do...all that niggling crap. It's one thing to have a few players that do it, but to be coached as a team unit to strangle opponents. Well, that leaves a bitter taste in my mouth (or maybe that's the after taste of the coffee I just had?)

I can understand why ppl get annoyed by the things storm do, but to me, while it is annoying, its a really smart tactic. They know it annoys the hell out of other teams, and as long as they arent doing anything illegal they really aren't doing anything wrong technically. Id much rather the broncos start doing chicken wing holds than staying down to milk penalties.
Can't argue with that. But it's the same mentality. Twisting the rules against the spirit of the game to gain an advantage.

I don't know what the solution is. In Super League they tried to enforce the rulebook, which says as soon as the tackle is complete you must release the tackled player. Result was ridiculous touch football like play the balls and the birth of the Broncos' power game, where you'd just rumble your big men forward ruck after ruck until the defence was so buggered from running backwards you just swung the ball to Renouf, Smith, Lockyer or Sailor to score inevitable tries.

What we're getting now with surrenders and dominants is the ability for teams like the Storm to incorporate wrestling tactics to make it that much slower to further help their defence get set.

What I also hate is that the old classical league tackle around the legs is, in the modern game, a liability, because it allows a quick play the ball and if you hang on to the leg for a split second too long you get called for a leg pull. Yet you can stack on their body with 3 blokes and take an age to untangle yourself and nothing happens.

I simply hate the ruck at the moment. Hate it.
Okay, I officially hate the Storm.

After last nights game we nearly got into a fight with a bunch of Storm fans while leaving the stadium. There also the most annoying fans when you sit in front of them, little kids commentating the game with there stupid annoying voices.
Webcke said:
Okay, I officially hate the Storm.

After last nights game we nearly got into a fight with a bunch of Storm fans while leaving the stadium. There also the most annoying fans when you sit in front of them, little kids commentating the game with there stupid annoying voices.

Yeah, have you noticed how Victorians speak with a different accent than the rest of the country? I call it the Bruce McAvaney syndrome (and yes, I know it's somewhat ironic that he was born and raised in Adelaide, but then South Australia is just the Victorian garbage dump isn't it?).
Seriously, I don't think Melbourne is making any progress in the NRL. They need to start producing their own players, otherwise they are adding absolutely nothing to the competition. This is why I started hating them.
Alec said:
Seriously, I don't think Melbourne is making any progress in the NRL. They need to start producing their own players, otherwise they are adding absolutely nothing to the competition. This is why I started hating them.

I don't think it's reasonable to expect a flourishing local competition after only 10 years, considering there was barely any league played there prior to the Storm. They started from scratch.

However, I would like to know how much progress has been made.
Coxy said:
Webcke said:
Okay, I officially hate the Storm.

After last nights game we nearly got into a fight with a bunch of Storm fans while leaving the stadium. There also the most annoying fans when you sit in front of them, little kids commentating the game with there stupid annoying voices.

Yeah, have you noticed how Victorians speak with a different accent than the rest of the country? I call it the Bruce McAvaney syndrome (and yes, I know it's somewhat ironic that he was born and raised in Adelaide, but then South Australia is just the Victorian garbage dump isn't it?).
I don't know about that, having spent a bit of time in both VIC and SA, I'd have to say SA is much nicer than VIC, and its inhabitants FAR less annoying than the Prictorians!
Webcke said:
Okay, I officially hate the Storm.

After last nights game we nearly got into a fight with a bunch of Storm fans while leaving the stadium. There also the most annoying fans when you sit in front of them, little kids commentating the game with there stupid annoying voices.
I always hate sitting in front of Storm fans too cos every time I have, they didn't know the rules and could only recognise Matt King on the field cos of his big hair. They're in a spot of bother this year...
last year at Cowboys V Storm in townsville i was standing next to a chick who claimed she was leagues biggest fan.. she wore a Smith Jumper and screamed Out "go smitty" whenever a storm player had the ball referred to Billy Slater as "William" and the worst thing was sceaming out "Touch down" when they scored.. I explained to her that its a try not a touch down. she abused me and said i knew nothing of league :| ok im 23 (22 at time) she was like 17 if that all i knew was she couldnt drink.

to sum up my long story.. storm fans know nothing