But then again, Bianc, look at 99% of the young guys in our game. Hell, take the Broncos, for instance. Ever heard of Thaiday, Wallace, Boyd etc. getting into physical altercations when they're out having a beer?
A HUGE proportion of NRL players are aged between 18 and 24. Literally, there would be hundreds of them playing in Toyota Cup and into the NRL. Hundreds and hundreds.
Yet, it seems it's the same old story over and over again. Taumata, Carney, Maitua, Carney.... it can't be that hard. They just have to pull their farking heads in.
I hope Taumata can go and work as a bouncer or labourer now. Everyone's entitled to a second chance, of course, but a fourth?
A HUGE proportion of NRL players are aged between 18 and 24. Literally, there would be hundreds of them playing in Toyota Cup and into the NRL. Hundreds and hundreds.
Yet, it seems it's the same old story over and over again. Taumata, Carney, Maitua, Carney.... it can't be that hard. They just have to pull their farking heads in.
I hope Taumata can go and work as a bouncer or labourer now. Everyone's entitled to a second chance, of course, but a fourth?