TC Robati charged

The cop obviously didn’t see the old crippled man the swerved out of the way for. Good job TC you’re a hero

Well, they would have gone after him instead if they'd known he was there right?
Pleaded "deez nuts."

tcrobati - CIfBOI5A6Xg.jpg

$1,000 fine and disqualified for driving for 6 months, which is the lower end of the scale for such an offence. He's reportedly "embarrassed" and has already completed a "driver education program."

No conviction has been recorded.
now for reference: raiders players Corey horsburgh copped a one match suspension from the nrl for drink driving... so now we wait

It's over. He's not being sanctioned. There was no suggestion he was drunk or under the influence of crack. Although he won't get his licence back until round 3, he's free to sit in the passenger seat.
Given he's free to play ISC it would appear there is no suspension from the Broncos
Apparently Plod will allege they saw TC's girlfriend's car swerve across the road at Saint Pauls Terrace in the Valley. Robati, they claim, attempted to commandeer the wheel after she missed a turn. He has a notice to appear in court.



“I’m incredibly disappointed with how the last few weeks have unfolded, generally. I don’t want to comment specifically on TC Robati’s matter as it is due to be settled in the courts. But we reported it to the integrity unit and the players understand how disappointed I am with what’s happened in recent weeks.”

“We will keep putting good people in place. We will be investing in support services available for players. We have committed to that and we think that is an area we can address."

“Adam Walsh (Broncos welfare chief) is very good at what he does and he has spoken to us about the need to increase resourcing and investment to support cultural change, so that we develop not just good footballers, but wonderful people."

“We have a young group and they will benefit from leaders like Adam Reynolds, Kurt Capewell and Ryan James to drive standards on and off the field. That will help us."

“Leadership in rugby league is a really underestimated part of a successful program. While guys like Reynolds, Capewell and James will be wonderful additions to the program, this is a chance for the younger players in our group to become emerging leaders as well."

“We will be looking at that part of our program to improve performances on and off the field.”

In the meantime, support our sponsors XXXX and Ladbrokes by sucking more piss and gambling responsibly:"


I’m sure it would have been a bigger deal if you happened to be driving the ofher way and TC Robati swerved his girlfriend’s car onto your side of the road….