Thanks for thinking of me, Ricky, I have better things to do


State of Origin Captain
Mar 5, 2008
Reaction score
Dear Ricky, perhaps you misunderstood my comments during the week about your predicament at Cronulla.

Your invitation to have me come to training and talk to your players about attacking football is quite flattering, however, I didn't actually offer you any assistance.

First, I'm retired.

Second, even if I were motivated to coach, you'd be the last person I'd help. ... 48338.html

Geez, credit to Gussie for not holding back!
Aeetee said:
This is why I love the man.... Gus Rocks!
Gus is my idol [icon_razz1
wow, we both hate nrl admin and we both love gus
Lol at Gus calling Stuart immature, then proceeding to dedicate his entire column to publicly give him shit. A bit entertaining to read, but Gould is embarrassing himself as much as he is Stuart IMO.

Awesome work Gus, this is part of why I love you. It's about time someone put Ricky in his place. Agree with everything except the part about Stuart being a better coach than him.
schmix said:
Lol at Gus calling Stuart immature, then proceeding to dedicate his entire column to publicly give him shit. A bit entertaining to read, but Gould is embarrassing himself as much as he is Stuart IMO.


I loved it too, but please, Gus trying to take the moral high ground? His article that Stuart had replied to was obviously inflammatory, besides all gus had to say was 'no comment when the jouno called.

They are both full of crap, but I'm loving it lol
I loved Gus on the Sunday roast today. Talking about Stuart he said he's the most ungrateful and selfish person he's ever had the misfortune of dealing with in rugby league - or words to that effect.

Gus said:
I was also instrumental in your securing coveted positions such as the NSW State of Origin and Australian coaching jobs. I made strong recommendations on your behalf.

I like Gus too, but this sort of heightened sense of self importance really irks me. Gus, you're a commentator. Nothing more. They would take your recommendation of Australian or NSW coach anymore seriously than they would any other current or former coach or administrator. You would've been one of many opinions and recommendations they got.

To suggest you were "instrumental" in his appointments is as laughable as your weekly calls of "I was saying last week/month/year that such and such player will come through by doing such and such"...not that you ever said it publicly.

I like your willingness to state an opinion, even if I often disagree with it, but you're one to talk about attempting to rewrite history. You pretend you predicted it.
He said that in the column too. I don't like Ricky too much. Rated him as a player but from what I've seen of him on TV - bleh.

I'm a Gus fan, but I do think he wen't a bit crazy on this one - albeit entertaining.
Ricky's always been a tosser. Not one of the more liked players by his peers.
Coxyz said:
I loved Gus on the Sunday roast today. Talking about Stuart he said he's the most ungrateful and selfish person he's ever had the misfortune of dealing with in rugby league - or words to that effect.

Lol, don't forget he said something along the lines of the "most arrogant person he's ever met"

[icon_lol1. ZING! Sometimes Gus is ORSM!
Pig headed and ungrateful, exactly as he wrote in his article. I should've known any big statements he makes on TV is what he's written in the paper that morning.