The Broncoman NSW verbal diarrhea thread

Re: The Broncoman, Rock et al NSW love thread

We have the sexier players (Andrew Ettinghausen) We Win.
That cheat with their mates wife. All class there.

And you look me in the eye and tell me Cooper Cronk isn't sexy. I dare you.
Re: The Broncoman, Rock et al NSW love thread

That cheat with their mates wife. All class there.

And you look me in the eye and tell me Cooper Cronk isn't sexy. I dare you.

Stupid ACA making stuff up. **** that show it's full of ****. Remember Oneil trying to set fire to a 13 yr old. Oneil your a joke ET your a legend.
Re: The Broncoman, Rock et al NSW love thread

What did they make up.

Re: The Broncoman, Rock et al NSW love thread

Remember Matty and Joey johns being pillars of the community.... Oh wait
Re: The Broncoman, Rock et al NSW love thread

Stupid ACA making stuff up. **** that show it's full of ****. Remember Oneil trying to set fire to a 13 yr old. Oneil your a joke ET your a legend.

I also remember how Julian O'Neill's parents died a year apart when he was 5 and then 6 years old.
I also remember Julian O'Neill went through the pain of one of his children being crushed to death when they pulled a TV on top of themselves. Frankly I think you should STFU.
Re: The Broncoman, Rock et al NSW love thread

Broncoman - Have a read of this transcript of Julian O'Neill from an old episode (1999) of Australian Story.

He had three things that have impacted his life - death of his parents at a young age, fame very early and an addiction to alcohol. He obviously has a lot of emotional anger that has impacted his life that he tries to escape with the bottle. I would just leave your O'Neill tirade alone.
Re: The Broncoman, Rock et al NSW love thread

Don't forget NSW has Jarryd Hayne.

He is so popular, the 'low lifes' of Kings Cross tried to shoot him.
Re: The Broncoman, Rock et al NSW love thread

Perhaps it is not such a great idea to start personalising discussions like this by referencing particular players, Broncoman. Until you walk a mile in their shoes, you do not have a right to comment.
Re: The Broncoman, Rock et al NSW love thread

Perhaps it is not such a great idea to start personalising discussions like this by referencing particular players, Broncoman. Until you walk a mile in their shoes, you do not have a right to comment.

Yeah, because everyone on this forum has abided by such a rule with Andrew Johns. Oh, wait, his parents didn't die when he was a child, so I guess he doesn't have a license to be a dropkick for the rest of his life. Carry on then.
Re: The Broncoman, Rock et al NSW love thread

Yeah, because everyone on this forum has abided by such a rule with Andrew Johns. Oh, wait, his parents didn't die when he was a child, so I guess he doesn't have a license to be a dropkick for the rest of his life. Carry on then.

Touche. Frankly I don't think people have a problem with the fact he took drugs. He's not the first idiot to do so (hello Sailor) and won't be the last. What ****s me is that when he was caught he came out with his whole "I'm bipolar and drugs was my way of escaping", and then outlined how he systematically avoided detection through his career....and was lauded as a hero for his honesty.

I don't doubt his problems. I don't doubt his explanation is sincere. But that he only came out with it when he was caught - and then used it to promote his book - was IMO pretty low.

But that Johns took party drugs? I don't respect that, but I don't write him off as a human being for it. Although I wish they'd get him off my TV screen. He's horrible.

The people I can't respect are those who bash their partners. I don't care what the circumstances are, you just don't do it. Watmough, Lui, Inglis, Bird...scumbags.
Re: The Broncoman, Rock et al NSW love thread

Don't forget NSW has Jarryd Hayne.

He is so popular, the 'low lifes' of Kings Cross tried to shoot him.
To be fair to Jarryd he has clearly taken steps to clean up his personal life.
I really think that mistakes made at 18-20 should be disregarded if you take steps to get things right.

But like Coxy, I draw the line at domestic violence - whether that's against your wife or your kids. No forgiveness there.
Re: The Broncoman, Rock et al NSW love thread

I do fell sorry for Julian as he had a troubled childhood but to me tarnished that history by his crazy antics. No doubt he was a talented Rugby League player though. Also Twiztid I have read that before and found it to be quite insightful.
Re: The Broncoman, Rock et al NSW love thread

What ****s me is that when he was caught he came out with his whole "I'm bipolar and drugs was my way of escaping", and then outlined how he systematically avoided detection through his career....and was lauded as a hero for his honesty.

When first caught, he said someone put it in his pocket.

Johns initially said the tablet was pushed into his pocket by an unknown man at The Church and he had intended to dispose of it.

"I know I've done the wrong thing (but) I stand by what I said, that some guy came up and put in my pocket," he said.

"But I knew what he was doing. I knew what it was

IMO: Everyone knew he was taking drugs & covered it up, because of who he is.

He only admitted taking drugs, because he was caught by the police & it couldn't be covered up any more.
Re: The Broncoman, Rock et al NSW love thread

I kinda have a little respect of Jarryd Hayne. There was that time he saved a girl from drowning. And he doesn't seem to try to be in the spotlight, unlike others (coughSBWcough).
Re: The Broncoman, Rock et al NSW love thread

He only admitted taking drugs, because he was caught by the police & it couldn't be covered up any more.

Admitting it and doing those interviews about it probably didn't hurt his book sales either
Re: The Broncoman, Rock et al NSW love thread

Because Meat wanted to know what I did at Tweed Heads here it is. I went for a surf, had a pepsi and meat pie then had a swim in the nice warm NSW surf.