The Footy Show- 31 Aug 08

mrslong said:
IMO the footy show last night was purely a grab for ratings.


On a serious note, 100 minute game would have to be trialled in QLD and NSW cup and Toyota Cup first for a few years, then if successful be bought up to First Grade (by then the TV deal will be getting close) and having a game that instead of having a show time of 100 minutes with ads, You will have a game of up to 130 minutes at least, Imagine origin night, Having 3 million viewers for 2 and half hours or 3 hours? They would dominate the ratings for a whole night from it.

I reckon the next tv deal should be doubled!
bianc said:
Also Vossy saying Ch9 should be getting the better games and not Fox.

Yeah well maybe Ch9 should actually pay the game what it's worth. If I was Fox I'd be wanting better than game 3 each week for $70million. As (I think it was Johns) said "RL is the best TV product of the football codes" - so it just makes me so angry that they can get away with paying so little for it. Not that it's Ch9's fault, if I could get away with paying less than for something than it's value I'd take that option every time. So the game needs to raise more revenue? There's one place to start - the NRL needs to get serious about the worth of the TV rights.

bianc said:
I hate to see players patting the ref and making jokes with him etc. The Ref was once the man who was the respected person on the field. Remember Blocker getting fined or suspended for touching the ref?

Or when the ref used to only refer to players by their number not their name - being all friendly.

I watched most of the show last night, which is rare for me. I thought there was a some good ideas and the predictable crap from the usual suspects. One of the major things I took from it was that the game is not in crisis (yet), but needs some tweaking - both on-field and off. I agree 1 body to make the decisions and dictate to clubs just how it will be is a must. I also like Sterlo's idea of a thinktank of people with the ability to look outside their own club ties and agendas for the good of the whole game - and unlike him in his humbleness, I think Sterlo would be a very valuable member of such a thinktank.
I now agree with what Sterlo said last night.

The Storm are f*cking boring!
Dexter said:
Hammo said:
Oh how I agree mate. When Weidler brings the "the truth behind my exodus" interview live from France, I will be punching shit. [icon_ee

Never would have picked you from your posts Hammo, not that there's anything wrong with that. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1.

You telling me you never been having a shower with the boys, and seen the soap suds slip down the crack of their arse....

I meant, "I will be punching stuff around the house". Honest [icon_wink
I really enjoyed the Footy Show for the first time, ever. Yes the points raised by many of the posters here have merits but what I got out of the discussion is this (that I can remember)

1. Rugby Union doesn’t care!
2. NRL must have controlled expansion ( Basketball is a classic example of trying to expand too far too quickly with 3 of their teams falling over in quick succession)
3. The Manly CEO response to a reduction of teams in Sydney is one of the main reasons NRL has always and will always struggle against AFL. He basically said I don’t care which team gets cut but “Manly has to be there†he said, and I’m sure that any one of the Sydney CEO’s would have said the same thing. Too many vested interests in the running of the NRL is the major hindrance to us moving forward.
4. The salary cap must stay, an increase maybe but it is vital to the health and fairness for all teams.
5. We need a single governing body to set out the direction of the game, not just for the next 5 years but the next 25 years, where are we and where are we going.

I’m sure there was more but they don’t come to mind at this point in time.

I do understand the argument that Gallop puts forward to supporting the amount of teams in Sydney and it is a valid one. The NRL like the AFL have a saturation of teams leaving little room for competitors and the last thing the game can afford at the moment is having another set of disenfranchised fans. In saying that the Gold Coast Titans show us that a new team with solid foundations can be successful and I have no doubt that the next team should be in the Central Coast, possibly around Gosford or there abouts would put enough pressure on one of the Sydney clubs to either, merge, fold or relocate via natural attrition, and I have a feeling that’s what Gallop is banking one.

There was a lot of pressure on Gallop to announce his intentions for another team in Brisbane and although I don’t think that would be in the NRL’s best interests I would suggest that IF there was to be another team in SEQ it should be in or around Ipswich. Maybe even a stadium in Springfield. Makes sense especially for a number of reasons.
1. It’s the fastest growing area in SEQ
2. It’s an area full of young families
3. You could gather support from the western suburbs all the way to Warwick, Toowoomba, Dalby and beyond.
4. Getting someone like Steve or Kevin Walters as coach and Langer as assistant coach, home grown, local heroes would go a long way to gain local support.
The distance between Manly-Campbelltown or Bondi-Penrith is as far, if not further then Brisbane-Ipswich. Another team in SEQLD is repeating the mistakes made in Sydney. Here we are, telling Sydney RL fans, that their City can't support all their current teams, but we are going to put another one in SEQLD. And in reality, not even SEQLD, greater Brisbane!