The media

Big words from a guy that supports a team that is lead by a bloke who lead a team through the worst excuse of cheating in the games history and ruined 4 years for everyone else, a guy that loves niggle more than anyone else (Hodges), a guy that assaulted his girlfriend (Inglis), a guy that headbuts in tackles (Myles) a guy that uses his studs as a shield (Slater) a guy that accused the NRL of match fixing and called them corrupt (Thurston).

I can go on forever

Please do, i'll just take a note out of the big book of NSW bludging and sip me a cruiser on the roof while I wait... If I get bored enough I may even use the bottle to glass my missus before doing a line of coke.
Big words from a guy that supports a team that is lead by a bloke who lead a team through the worst excuse of cheating in the games history and ruined 4 years for everyone else, a guy that loves niggle more than anyone else (Hodges), a guy that assaulted his girlfriend (Inglis), a guy that headbuts in tackles (Myles) a guy that uses his studs as a shield (Slater) a guy that accused the NRL of match fixing and called them corrupt (Thurston).

I can go on forever

* Greg Bird glassed his misses and tried to pin it on someone else.
* Farah is so obsessed with himself that he deliberately sabotages his team's performances in the interests of undermining his coach(es).
* Dugan almost destroyed his career because he though acting like an adult was beneath him. Also has a tattoo of a dude's face on his thigh.
* Beau Scott is actually proud of the fact that his career has been based on cheap, late, and cowardly shots on people when their back is turned and they're not expecting it. He's "tough" in the same way as tripping over old people is "tough".
* David Klemmer's one and only party trick is deliberately try to knee people in the face when running. Apparenty "he's not scared of anything". Except he's scared of his opponents having a fair shot at tackling him ???
* Greg Bird glassed his misses and tried to pin it on someone else.
* Farah is so obsessed with himself that he deliberately sabotages his team's performances in the interests of undermining his coach(es).
* Dugan almost destroyed his career because he though acting like an adult was beneath him. Also has a tattoo of a dude's face on his thigh.
* Beau Scott is actually proud of the fact that his career has been based on cheap, late, and cowardly shots on people when their back is turned and they're not expecting it. He's "tough" in the same way as tripping over old people is "tough".
* David Klemmer's one and only party trick is deliberately try to knee people in the face when running. Apparenty "he's not scared of anything". Except he's scared of his opponents having a fair shot at tackling him ???

NSW are so dirty and cheap a $5 hooker would feel dirty servicing them
I agree the slights against Hodgo's good nature have been a bit cheap, but I don't know how you could think calling Gallen a drug cheat is going too far. If anything it's not going too far enough.

If they wanted to present a fair and balanced perspective on the man picked to lead NSW they should have referred to him as a stitch-ripping squirrel-gripping coward-punching floor-****ing cheap-shotting diving whinging self-admitted drug cheat who is the losingest State of Origin captain of all time. Dead set, this NSW team is a dirty pair of undies under the bed of the NRL, and Captain Peptides is nothing more than a dirty wet skidmark right up the middle.

Gallen is such a cheat, he played the entire Origin campaign last year while suspended! Could be the biggest cheat in sporting history. Fifa could have blamed him for their scandals and we would have accepted that.

Seriously? our fanbase, I mean seriously?

I wouldn't go throwing the word classy around with the comments you have just made. I'm sure NSW are stoked to have a homophobic little prick like yourself as part of their fanbase.

Haha if that was meant to upset it's an epic fail.
Here's my problem with it.

If it was somebody involved in the match, I could understand it as far as building heat but the media have no influence of the game so who is really getting over here? If anything they're damaging the reputation of the game by saying things like 'This is the worst team ever' or 'this guy is a drug cheat' because it paints the game in a negative light.

Origin will draw in spite of itself but if the NRL knew what's best, they'd reign them in because these articles are doing far more bad than good.

And that's because they're terrible at their jobs and get stonewalled for asking dumb questions about DCE which were always going to get treated one way. Their inability to draw a compelling reaction from their interviewees is telling and right now we've got one of the most boring Origin builds in one time where the media is trying to get themselves over.

Fair enough and I can understand where you're coming from on this, but I can't agree fully. It's not great to be calling any side the worst in history and crapping on about grubbiness doesn't really help anyone or do anything to sell the game.

But while calling a convicted, self-confessed drug cheat a drug cheat may not be helpful I can't criticise it at all. Ultimately the blame for that falls on the drug cheat in question and I don't think it's fair to blame any media for using something which is an established fact.
Haha if that was meant to upset it's an epic fail.

It wasn't meant to upset you at all, it was meant to call you out for the homophobic human being you are. I would have to believe you have a conscious if I thought it would upset you.
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Fair cop mate. Don't let emotions get you in trouble.
Christ, Paul Kent is a dribbler.

He's on NRL 360 complaining about the Blues not winning enough penalty counts at Suncorp. Whatever dude. No mention about how the Maroons do in Sydney regarding penalties. Gotta love that balanced approach in the media.

How does this one-sided nonsense get aired?
Christ, Paul Kent is a dribbler.

He's on NRL 360 complaining about the Blues not winning enough penalty counts at Suncorp. Whatever dude. No mention about how the Maroons do in Sydney regarding penalties. Gotta love that balanced approach in the media.

How does this one-sided nonsense get aired?

because he is from NSW
I agree the slights against Hodgo's good nature have been a bit cheap, but I don't know how you could think calling Gallen a drug cheat is going too far. If anything it's not going too far enough.

If they wanted to present a fair and balanced perspective on the man picked to lead NSW they should have referred to him as a stitch-ripping squirrel-gripping coward-punching floor-pissing cheap-shotting diving whinging self-admitted drug cheat who is the losingest State of Origin captain of all time. Dead set, this NSW team is a dirty pair of undies under the bed of the NRL, and Captain Peptides is nothing more than a dirty wet skidmark right up the middle.

Brilliant !!! I may cut & paste this and call it my own on other league sites. Thanks !!
Have they gone too far this series?

Sure, there's always been a bit of banter but the back-page for the past few games has just been petty back and forths from both states.

NSW calling Cam Smith a phony, Queensland calling NSW the worst side of all-time, NSW calling the Queenslander's grubs and now Queensland calling Gal a drug cheat.

While it adds to the theatre, none of these journos have to run out to the field on Wednesday and seem to be getting awfully personal.

Are they going too far?

Mal's rats and filth comments are ringing true once again.

have they gone to far?.....fucken oath they have.

What we saw on 60 minutes last night has to be one of the grubbiest acts ever performed by a sporting association.

NSW born and raised, Channel 9's David Gyngell .....and the NSWRL, set about attacking the QLD captain on national TV, just days out from 2015's origin decider. The cowardly manipulation of such tragic circumstances is a disgusting new low even for NSW.

A young NSW junior who's been tragically injured play the game we all love, thinks Cam Smith is a ****. Him and his entire family hates Smith and they let the whole of Australia know about it.

How is Cameron Smith supposed to feel about is any body supposed to feel about being shamed, maligned....embarrassed in front of millions of viewers in Australia prime time tv slot ??

I tell ya....Les Boyd had nothing on David Gyngell. Les Boyd was an angel compared to that ****.

Not only a lot of QLD'rs lost respect, but a lot of RL fans lost respect for Alex McKinnon Sunday night.

I predict Smith getting a King Wally like cheer when he runs onto the ground on tomorrow. They'll be letting him know that RL fans are all supporting him

and the QLD'rs will be screaming at him to smash those filthy NSW grubs back into the dirt.
Mal's rats and filth comments are ringing true once again.

have they gone to far?.....fucken oath they have.

What we saw on 60 minutes last night has to be one of the grubbiest acts ever performed by a sporting association.

NSW born and raised, Channel 9's David Gyngell .....and the NSWRL, set about attacking the QLD captain on national TV, just days out from 2015's origin decider. The cowardly manipulation of such tragic circumstances is a disgusting new low even for NSW.

A young NSW junior who's been tragically injured play the game we all love, thinks Cam Smith is a ****. Him and his entire family hates Smith and they let the whole of Australia know about it.

How is Cameron Smith supposed to feel about is any body supposed to feel about being shamed, maligned....embarrassed in front of millions of viewers in Australia prime time tv slot ??

I tell ya....Les Boyd had nothing on David Gyngell. Les Boyd was an angel compared to that ****.

Not only a lot of QLD'rs lost respect, but a lot of RL fans lost respect for Alex McKinnon Sunday night.

I predict Smith getting a King Wally like cheer when he runs onto the ground on tomorrow. They'll be letting him know that RL fans are all supporting him

and the QLD'rs will be screaming at him to smash those filthy NSW grubs back into the dirt.

Just what I needed to get in the mood.
Yep, the 60-seconds-is-all-you-get bullshit has got QLD into the siege mentality, I'm sure of it. I hope they DO boycott the run tomorrow. Crank it up even more.

QLD by 12+

Useless ***** in the media. Sickening.
There's a lot of talk being slung around about boycotts and I'm all for it tbh. Smith should have been given right of reply. They could have got a comment from him and not have it detract from the main story.

It is awesome to see the rest of the QLD team circling the wagons and supporting their skipper. It was a hatchet job - plain and simple. What's the point of giving them more ammo? They'll just take it out of context and make it a beat-up anyway.

Screw nine. Stay strong, QLD!
Mal's rats and filth comments are ringing true once again.

have they gone to far?.....fucken oath they have.

What we saw on 60 minutes last night has to be one of the grubbiest acts ever performed by a sporting association.

NSW born and raised, Channel 9's David Gyngell .....and the NSWRL, set about attacking the QLD captain on national TV, just days out from 2015's origin decider. The cowardly manipulation of such tragic circumstances is a disgusting new low even for NSW.

A young NSW junior who's been tragically injured play the game we all love, thinks Cam Smith is a ****. Him and his entire family hates Smith and they let the whole of Australia know about it.

How is Cameron Smith supposed to feel about is any body supposed to feel about being shamed, maligned....embarrassed in front of millions of viewers in Australia prime time tv slot ??

I tell ya....Les Boyd had nothing on David Gyngell. Les Boyd was an angel compared to that ****.

Not only a lot of QLD'rs lost respect, but a lot of RL fans lost respect for Alex McKinnon Sunday night.

I predict Smith getting a King Wally like cheer when he runs onto the ground on tomorrow. They'll be letting him know that RL fans are all supporting him

and the QLD'rs will be screaming at him to smash those filthy NSW grubs back into the dirt.

This made my nuts tingle.
Err...whatever happened to not abusing fellow posters ? Really...surely the abuse above must be removed and the abusers know, in the interests of fairness and oh, because it's strictly forbidden on this site.

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