The Ultimate Strategy

Aug 2, 2009
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I had an idea that I think Ivan should fact.. I think it could be pretty major part of rugby league.

It's about exploiting the 40-20 kick. You have 2 kickers specially training hard at making 40-20 kicks.

You push out as far from your 40 as you can, then pass back deep to your kickers hanging just on the edge of the 40 who are ready to take a 40-20 kick. Bam. Fresh set of 6 in your 20, and rugby league as normal.

When going for the 40-20 kick, instead of having your offense line in the standard generic rugby format. Set them up in a way that your can pass deep to an option of kickers. (i.e bring in a winger or two from the side to daisy chain it).

Simplified. Bascially, the idea of this is to exploit the 40-20 rule by passing deep to specialized kickers.
You could actually start setting up for this after maybe the 3rd-4th tackle. After trying to push out from your 40 as far as you can to buy your kickers enough time.

I think this hasnt really been utilized because the 40-20 is relatively new to rugby league.

It really comes down to, what % can a professional rugby league player nail a 40-20.

What does everyone think?
This would be quickly noticed by coaches though and it would be quite easy to defend because as soon as you see the deep kicker get into position the defense can react to it. Also as much as you would try to hide it - there would be a pattern to it if you use it so much... it would be too easy to notice IMO.

This is why the 40/20 is such a good rule imo - you can't exploit it and really plan it most of the time. You just see the opportunity and go for it... also its a great rule to use depending on the context of the game... you might be up by 4 but struggling and you might pull it out to take the game out of reach but do you risk it? Or you're down by 2 and time is against you but you're not sure if its better just to kick it deep and hope for a mistake or get the ball back in good field position or do you risk it?
Storm used to do this a bit coz Cronk and Smith are both great long kickers on the 3rd or 4th tackle but they aren't doing it nearly as often as they used to. I like the idea but I don't think you could use it constantly because relying on very accurate kicks with good bounces can't be relied on to win you matches.
Beads6 said:
A better strategy would be to learn how to tackle?

And offload.

I think I can count the Broncos' offloads from the last 4 rounds on one hand.
Mmm if you had the kicker placed in the centre. He would have the option of kicking left or right, forcing them to have another player in the back to stop it from going out. Varying when you play it. It doesn't matter which tackle it's done on as long as it lands successfully, you get a fresh 6 in your 20.
Won't be successful IMO.

The time it takes to pass a long ball back for a field goal shows how quick a defensive line can rush. Now compound this with the defensive wingers and fullback already back a certain distance from the kicker, getting themselves into position and you would find it very difficult to find space on either sideline to get the 40/20.
Yup agree with Hammo it wouldn't work. We're better off just working on our kicking game in general to be honest.