Thurling arrested for DD


State of Origin Captain
Mar 26, 2008
Reaction score
Yet another alcohol fueled incident from an NRL player.

WTF ? I am typing this from a console, loaded with piss, but these guys just don't get it!

They can't pull this shit without impacting on their sponsors and club.

Even as I type, under the influence, I still understand that you can't act like an imbocile and do whatever pops into your head.

You should see the car wreck!,865 ... 14,00.html
Just another thing the league did not need. He is a talent to off the bench for Canberra, would be a shame if this does his career in. If that was to happen though hopefully the players will think twice about drinking
Let me get this right, he crashed into someone while he was drink driving? Deadset what a fking idiot, If anything serious happens to those two people I hope he cops a harsh punishment.
a fine and a few games off, and then wait for the next guy to stuff up.

Basically what is starting to become the norm
Jeza23 said:
Just another thing the league did not need. He is a talent to off the bench for Canberra, would be a shame if this does his career in. If that was to happen though hopefully the players will think twice about drinking
Don't think so mate, if it were the case we wouldn't have so many threads about players f*cking up... and that's just this season!!!

spoonbled said:
a fine and a few games off, and then wait for the next guy to stuff up.

Basically what is starting to become the norm
Counting down the days already. Completely agree with what you said. I like a drink or two like the next guy but if I had their career & lifestyle, I wouldn't waste it like some of these fools do. Being an NRL player doesn't make you bullet proof. WHY????????????????????????????????????
You' d think that living in Canberra where no doubt the press all week was full of Shaun Mackay from the Brumbies dying after leaving a nightclub at 4am drunk and being hit by a car he would no better..........guess these guys really are dumb
Pretty sure that accident happened around Bondi. It was on the news about a crash in Bondi and the driver was DD. Then the next day it was a Canberra Raider player that was caught DD and bang here we are.
Meh.. pretty sick of hearing about this stuff to be honest. Doesn't really interest me anymore. Hopefully everyone else develops similar sentiments too so the media can find better things to write about.
m1c said:
Meh.. pretty sick of hearing about this stuff to be honest. Doesn't really interest me anymore. Hopefully everyone else develops similar sentiments too so the media can find better things to write about.

[eusa_doh The media are giving the NRL everything they need to put an end to the drinking issue in the game. Yet the NRL are a bunch of pussies and won't do a thing.

This guy got drunk and has allowed it to be public knowledge. Strike 1
This guy then sat behind the wheel of a vehicle. Strike 2
This guy then injured other people because of his DUI. Strike 3

De-Register him, send a message to the fuckin drop kick football players, that enough is enough, the NRL won't take it, the fans won't take it, and if you **** up because of grog, you are OUT forever.
This coming from a bloke who reckons peadophiles should be given a second chance!
Far out way to be out of context jeb. Nashy's view on the death penalty vs jail and rehabilitation is well known. He's also of the view that nrl players are privileged members of society, and serious things like drink driving deserve losing that privilege for. They are still entitled to a life and a job, just not an nrl player. Fair enough imo.