Wayne Bennett quits Knights... Is he coming back?

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I felt dudded watching the club have it's worst season in it's 27 year history last year.

Are the players going to take some responsiblity? Or is it all the dastardly Wayne knifing our friend Anthony in the back?

well htats my point. if the players feel responsible then they would feel bad for griff getting the knife and not happy about the situation.

i aint saying griffin is the man for the job. clearly he's not. i just hope it was handled right.
McGuire is threatening to leave because Griffin has been his coach since he was 17.

Well he said he was going to follow Griffin wherever he goes. So ISC for McGuire next year.
I don't really feel sorry for Griffin, it's a results based business and as you mentioned before, there's not been any improvement since we made the prelim in 2011 (with Lockyer running the show).

I have no issue with Hook being sacked for results. I've been saying it for 18 months. But this method - where not even the CEO was aware of it (although nopatience seems to know better) seems wrong. He at least deserved to hear it face to face rather than read it in the paper.

That's why I feel sorry for him. Not that he's sacked, but how it's been handled.

Even Henjak got the dignity of being sacked face to face before it was public knowledge.
McGuire is threatening to leave because Griffin has been his coach since he was 17.

Well he said he was going to follow Griffin wherever he goes. So ISC for McGuire next year.

Titans... #JustSaying
I have no issue with Hook being sacked for results. I've been saying it for 18 months. But this method - where not even the CEO was aware of it (although nopatience seems to know better) seems wrong. He at least deserved to hear it face to face rather than read it in the paper.

That's why I feel sorry for him. Not that he's sacked, but how it's been handled.

Even Henjak got the dignity of being sacked face to face before it was public knowledge.
But wasn't Henjak basically sacked out of nowhere, with KPI's being cited as the reason for it?
I seem to recall (could be wrong) that people weren't happy about missing the finals for the first time in 20 years or whatever it was (and apparently overruling Lockyer when he wanted to play with a rib injury in the do-or-die game against the Raiders), but that he'd get a chance to redeem himself as he'd made the prelim the season before.

I'm not sure what is worse - knowing the knives are out for you and being aware of your eventual fate, or having the carpet ripped out from underneath all of a sudden?
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I have no issue with Hook being sacked for results. I've been saying it for 18 months. But this method - where not even the CEO was aware of it (although nopatience seems to know better) seems wrong. He at least deserved to hear it face to face rather than read it in the paper.

That's why I feel sorry for him. Not that he's sacked, but how it's been handled.

Even Henjak got the dignity of being sacked face to face before it was public knowledge.

Griffin was told about his fate yesterday wasn't he ? Prior to that Bennett was just a (strengthening) rumour ..
McGuire is threatening to leave because Griffin has been his coach since he was 17.

Well he said he was going to follow Griffin wherever he goes. So ISC for McGuire next year.

Griffin might end up at the Titans
Well if the titans are going to go from cartwright to griffin the are fucking retarded

if i was chosing between the 2 i would take Griffin every day of the week. if any other coach in the league had Cartwrights results they would have been sacked 3 or 4 years ago

Rumour about Bennett installing Ikin at CEO. :mad2: :yell:

Is Wayne related to Joh Bjelke Petersen. (It's Wayne's gerrymander)

I am still not over the fact that we lost Scott Prince because we had Ikin & Prince announced he was going elsewhere, within a few weeks Ikin said he was retiring due to injury (**** you Ikin)
How do we know Griffin didn't plunge the knife into Henjak's back?
I like Josh Mcguire, in fact behind Parker he is my favourite player but if it's true that he will leave if Griffin is sacked then he can **** off right now. I hate the way Boyd follows Bennett around and is hate if the big show does the same thing. I hope it's just a rumor cause I can see him as the forward leader once Parker hangs his boots up.
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