Why Byes?

ok lets compare Mick to the average First Grader

Mick - 40yrs Of Work (Average) 60-70k a Year he says thats 2.8 Million Roughly Over that 40yrs
Average First graders - 10years Work, 250k a Year Average. Thats 2.5Million in 10yrs

So mick Earns $300k More In his Lifetime and yes some "Average First graders" Go on to work in media or Coach ect.

Money Wise - Average First Grader Wins.

Chance Of Mick Breaking His Neck While Doing whatever he does = Fairly Low... Unless his a Sky Diver or something
Chance Of "Mr Average First Grader" Breaking His Neck While "Working" = A Simple Mis-Placed Hit.

Injury Wise - MIck Wins

Sorry But id rather take that extra 30yrs earning an extra 300k and be able to walk.."Mr Average First Grader" Deserves to earn his money 3times Faster Because His Career Can be over in a split second..

Chance Of Franks Tank Being Hit During WW3 = 75%
News Footage Of Franks Tank Being Hit During WW3 = Priceless
Frank the Tank said:
Clintos said:
I'd say it would just be because of the workload of the players
Frank wishes he only had to work 26 days a year and workout the the other days. Anyone saying that Football players have a heavy workload obviously doesnt work 9-5 every day for 48 weeks a year, year in year out.

Jesus you post complete dribble Frank.
Frank the Tank said:
Frank would rather play football for 10 years and then retire into some cruisy reporter job or coaching job thats handed to me on a platter than work 40+ hours a week for 40 years. the chances of coming out a cripple are minute.

Yes the chances of a tank becoming crippled playing footy are quite minute compared to the chances of a person icon_smile .

My thoughts on the discussion: most footy players today would have fairly sizable investment portfolios (property, business interests, shares etc etc) by the end of their careers - if they don't they are stupider than I thought and also badly managed - that they can pretty much live off for the rest of their lives if they don't have anything else to fall back on. Having said that I don't begrudge them a couple hundred thousand a year. It's a tough job and very difficult to get to the top - many young men have the hopes of a footy career but that large percentage of them don't get a shot at the top. I wouldn't want to put my body on the line every week like that - even though not crippling, most of them wil have physical pain that they will have to live with for the rest of their lives. Not to mention every moment of their lives potentially under very public scrutiny.
Flutterby said:
Not to mention every moment of their lives potentially under very public scrutiny.


Honestly Frank just man the **** up and accept that's just the way it is. Of course professional athletes are going to get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars. Who is to say they can't? Who are they robbing of that money? They work for it all their lives until it finally pays off and that's damn well good for them.
Jebadude said:
Of course professional athletes are going to get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars. Who are they robbing of that money? They work for it all their lives until it finally pays off and that's damn well good for them.
[eusa_clap.gi You couldn't have put it any better mate!!!

Who here works their arse off and think they deserve a better pay packet!? If you get it, good onya I say. You can't blame people for looking after their best interest (and their family). Just because they are footy players and in the public eye, don't think they're different to any of us.
Jebadude said:
Flutterby said:
Not to mention every moment of their lives potentially under very public scrutiny.


Honestly Frank just man the **** up and accept that's just the way it is. Of course professional athletes are going to get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars. Who is to say they can't? Who are they robbing of that money? They work for it all their lives until it finally pays off and that's damn well good for them.

I dont think frank is saying they dont deserve the money they get, but rather that playing each week and going through the physicality of the game is just part and parcel of their job, so they should deal with it, instead of wanting weeks off and less games to play. We cant just go to our boss and say "hey mate, i dont feel like working for the next 2 weeks", you work the hours given to u by ur boss, the boss in this case is the nrl, so they should suck it up and do what their employer says.
Jebadude said:
Flutterby said:
Not to mention every moment of their lives potentially under very public scrutiny.


Honestly Frank just man the **** up and accept that's just the way it is. Of course professional athletes are going to get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars. Who is to say they can't? Who are they robbing of that money? They work for it all their lives until it finally pays off and that's damn well good for them.

I dont think frank is saying they dont deserve the money they get, but rather that playing each week and going through the physicality of the game is just part and parcel of their job, so they should deal with it, instead of wanting weeks off and less games to play. We cant just go to our boss and say "hey mate, i dont feel like working for the next 2 weeks", you work the hours given to u by ur boss, the boss in this case is the nrl, so they should suck it up and do what their employer says.

Can you or Stu name me a player who takes 2 weeks off just because he doesn't feel like playing?

If you felt you were working too many hours in your job and not getting paid enough, I am sure you'd have a word to your boss about it. That's your right as an employee and Rugby League players have this right as well.
Jebadude said:
Can you or Stu name me a player who takes 2 weeks off just because he doesn't feel like playing?

Tim Smith! or Shaun Tait (okay, not footy but still a professional sportsman). [icon_lol1.

The reason rugby league players get paid so much is because they deserve it. They are the drawcards in a multimillion dollar business so they deserve the big packets, if it wasn't for the elite players then league would be a pretty average and wouldn't attract the sponsorships and revenue that it does now.

Frank, when you draw in tens of thousands of live spectators and hundreds of thousands of tv viewers then you can work 26 days a year.

Incidently that is a rubbish statement from you: the players do work more than 26 days a year, training isn't some fun little workout and then there is promotional appearances, charity stuff etc.
Jebadude said:
Flutterby said:
Not to mention every moment of their lives potentially under very public scrutiny.


Honestly Frank just man the **** up and accept that's just the way it is. Of course professional athletes are going to get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars. Who is to say they can't? Who are they robbing of that money? They work for it all their lives until it finally pays off and that's damn well good for them.

I dont think frank is saying they dont deserve the money they get, but rather that playing each week and going through the physicality of the game is just part and parcel of their job, so they should deal with it, instead of wanting weeks off and less games to play. We cant just go to our boss and say "hey mate, i dont feel like working for the next 2 weeks", you work the hours given to u by ur boss, the boss in this case is the nrl, so they should suck it up and do what their employer says.

Sick leave, special leave, compassionate leave, annual leave and time-off-in-lieu.
Hm, I don't get the byes and when they time them. But I also don't get that whilst byes are important for player health and longetivity (and I get that they suffer lifelong injuries as a result), isn't that why their payscales are over an above what a normal working person receives?

It's not like these players are permanently unemployed once they stop playing league, either. Not to mention investments and property they will collect over their 10-15 year career.
We cant just go to our boss and say "hey mate, i dont feel like working for the next 2 weeks"

It's called sick leave

you work the hours given to u by ur boss, the boss in this case is the nrl, so they should suck it up and do what their employer says.

And their employer says they can have byes. I mean if the NRL took away the byes I don't think any of the players would complain and refuse to play a certain number of games. But this is a case of an employer looking after the health and well-being of their employees. Lots of companies give things to their staff for their health and well being (eg massages, gym memberships etc etc) - makes for a more productive workforce in the end. The NRL have identifed this as a potential issue and have put measures in place to try and reduce injuries and/or early burnout to key players - who are the ones that bring in the money.
Hammo agrees with Frank. Hammo wonders if many of these gifted young men, have had to do truly shit jobs, for years on end, for crap pay?

Hammo isn't slandering sportsmen, Hammo just wants to point out they aren't curing cancer or saving lives...they are just throwing a ball around.

Hammo doesn't blame the players, he realises they live in a western society, that places so much emphasis on sport.

Off topic, Hammo wonders how great it would be to hear one of said NRL players refer to themselves in the thrid person during an interview?

M. Johns; "Israel, great game tonight mate, we all suspected QLD would win, but to score 64 points to zip was beyond anyone's expectations. your thoughts on your debut?"
I. Falou; "Well Matty, you know, Israel just came out to do a simple job, stick to the game plan that Mal defined for Israel, and it worked well. Israel really enjoyed his time out there is was lucky to have come away with those few tries that Israel picked up"
They may not have had to do crap jobs (though many probably will once they retire), but elite sportspeople do have to make many many many personal sacrifices to get to be elite sportspeople. I had a choice to make when I left school in terms of playing netball at the top level or not. In the end I decided it wasn't worth the sacrifices any more. Not saying I would have definitely made it to the elite level, but I just wasn't willing to make the sacrifices I was going to need to even for the opportunity - but then again netball doesn't pay hardly anything at all even to their top players, better money may have made it seem more worthwhile.

The thing that really annoys me is the administrators that do virtually nothing but get paid just as much (if not more in some cases) as they players who are the ones actually bringing in the money. Note I don't think all the administrators do virtually nothing, but many of them are simply making a mint off the talent of these elite sportspeople.
It's a sweet life. But then, even when there's a bye most teams are still training, so it's not really time off.
Hammo said:
Off topic, Hammo wonders how great it would be to hear one of said NRL players refer to themselves in the thrid person during an interview?

M. Johns; "Israel, great game tonight mate, we all suspected QLD would win, but to score 64 points to zip was beyond anyone's expectations. your thoughts on your debut?"
I. Falou; "Well Matty, you know, Israel just came out to do a simple job, stick to the game plan that Mal defined for Israel, and it worked well. Israel really enjoyed his time out there is was lucky to have come away with those few tries that Israel picked up"

[icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. That is fair dinkum gold! Should try it one day