World Club Challenge - Wigan vs Brisbane

Fair try. Seemed inevitable.

Whitchurch is doing his best Ashton Sims impersonation out there.
Milford concedes another penalty down his side.

Wigan's opportunity to go back to back.
Wigan fumble and Hunt sends Hodges for a run.

Tautai wraps him up but concedes a penalty.

Brisbane on the attack 40m out from the Wigan line.
Great work Hunt and Hodgo there in support, he is looking at his best this preseason, great to see.
Gavet loses it with his first carry 20m out from the Warriors line.
Good milking from Hodges.

And Gavet loses it. Hope to see good runs from him to compensate.
Ref let Wigan lie in that tackle too long
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Lots of errors, but that field is straight balls.
I've enjoyed the last 30 minutes of footy from us about twice as much as any typical Griffin coached game