NEWS Badel: Boyd never considered quitting

Thanks, a thoughtful reply. Two points from it. Firstly he may feel very aware of how his efforts affect others and secondly the only feedback he is receiving is from the coach, coaching staff and his team mates. I'm not going to assume they're all telling him he's going shit rather I'd infer they are happy enough with him.

I didn't say I was here and we certainly know the feelings of a lot on here and in the public arena. I think Boyd knows he had an ordinary season and I suspect he is giving himself one final chance. If he finds he is past it he may even retire mid season. I don't believe Boyd is unaware and delusional, in fact he knows exactly where he stands.

One final thought. Is it possible that Boyd is acutely aware the end is nigh and is deep down terrified of what the future holds when this huge part of his life is gone forever? Given his mental health demons and observations of others such as Finch etc he might want to delay that fight. Some people sadly identify their self worth with what they do.
Yeah I take your first point, particularly with feedback from his team mates, but I would say that in any leadership position, you can't expect all of your colleagues to be honest with you, especially not if they are young themselves and probably looking to not rock the boat. As a leader you need to be realistic about the worth of feedback like that.

Ideally he'd have one or two senior people close to him that he could turn to at a time like this to get a real sense of how he's impacting the team, but I think with all our turnover of senior players on top of the fact he's already a fairly private person, it's possible this relationship just doesn't exist for Darius in the current squad.

I also agree that it's probably really hard for him to let go of doing something he loves and has done for all his life. That's reality though and time waits for no one. For a leader especially, it's critically important to be honest with yourself and accept that the time is right. He's shown plenty of courage to keep fighting for his spot at this point. Perhaps if this fear is driving him then he needs to divert some of that courage now to making peace with the fact that his time as an NRL player is probably done and use that same courage to also steel him for what comes next.

Nothing can change the history books for Boyd as an NRL player. His successful career largely speaks for itself. It's up to him now though as to how he's remembered as Boyd the Captain of the Broncos. How he handles this next step will have a huge say in that.
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Thanks, a thoughtful reply. Two points from it. Firstly he may feel very aware of how his efforts affect others and secondly the only feedback he is receiving is from the coach, coaching staff and his team mates. I'm not going to assume they're all telling him he's going shit rather I'd infer they are happy enough with him.

I didn't say I was here and we certainly know the feelings of a lot on here and in the public arena. I think Boyd knows he had an ordinary season and I suspect he is giving himself one final chance. If he finds he is past it he may even retire mid season. I don't believe Boyd is unaware and delusional, in fact he knows exactly where he stands.

One final thought. Is it possible that Boyd is acutely aware the end is nigh and is deep down terrified of what the future holds when this huge part of his life is gone forever? Given his mental health demons and observations of others such as Finch etc he might want to delay that fight. Some people sadly identify their self worth with what they do.
I have wondered about the bolded part myself given that he is not likely to carve out a media career with his introverted nature. I am not sure what other potential irons he may have in the fire. That is why I would be leveraging my retirement with some form of career with the broncos post retirement.
thanks for the summary but could have done without the multiple references to the coaches weight

the fascination that you, and others, have on here with fat shaming is nothing short of disgraceful
Here's an interesting article from a Professor of Health and Human Performance on why the best coaches and leaders are fit. It's about setting an example:

I'd like to see Pies get himself in shape alongside the men he's training. It's not like he's an old man. He's only 45.
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the body and mind feels good so it would be silly to give the game away

Who cares about that if you play poorly each week, isn't that the best indicator? There's plenty of players with beat up bodies still playing good football.
Is it fat shaming if we are doing it jokingly behind his back and not directly at him ?
Sorry should I be calling seibold him ? I'm not sure these days...

The issue is with him doing multiple times in the post and claiming Boyd as saying things he did not say

I'm not saying you can't ever say anything, the occasional comment is OK, especially if it's constructive, but it's not occasional and it's not constructive

It's childish attempts at humour and it's absolutely relentless

Not directing that at you @pagey, just trying to respond to the question and explain why it bothers me
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Here's an interesting article from a Professor of Health and Human Performance on why the best coaches and leaders are fit. It's about setting an example:

I'd like to see Pies get himself in shape alongside the men he's training. It's not like he's an old man. He's only 45.

No @McHunt, just no

You don't get to write juvenile insults disguised as comedy that would only amuse primary school aged kids, and then justify it with an academic article

If you believe what the Professor says, then it's OK to write that - say that you are concerned that the coach isn't setting the right example

But you didn't, you made snide, immature little jabs trying to get a laugh

Trying to justify it now as what's best for the club is as insulting as the jabs themselves

Stop selling it, because nobody is buying it
No @McHunt, just no

You don't get to write juvenile insults disguised as comedy that would only amuse primary school aged kids, and then justify it with an academic article

If you believe what the Professor says, then it's OK to write that - say that you are concerned that the coach isn't setting the right example

But you didn't, you made snide, immature little jabs trying to get a laugh

Trying to justify it now as what's best for the club is as insulting as the jabs themselves

Stop selling it, because nobody is buying it

Nice to see you signed up to BHQ, Anthony.
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Here's an interesting article from a Professor of Health and Human Performance on why the best coaches and leaders are fit. It's about setting an example:

I'd like to see Pies get himself in shape alongside the men he's training. It's not like he's an old man. He's only 45.

Given Pies fascination with new techniques to get the boys performing, I wouldn't be surprised if he found that article an interesting read. Someone needs to foward it to him.

Loving the extra effort your going to for the other forum members btw @McHunt . I much prefer reading your short summaries over the majority of these articles.
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I have wondered about the bolded part myself given that he is not likely to carve out a media career with his introverted nature. I am not sure what other potential irons he may have in the fire. That is why I would be leveraging my retirement with some form of career with the broncos post retirement.
I see your point but I think doing that is fraught with danger. If he trades 600k for an off field role he exposes himself to the risk of that role disappearing without recourse. Yes, sure the normal recourse that any of us are entitled to but nevertheless the Broncos are not duty bound to employ him. I'd take my wages and worry about myself. I sure as shit would not rely on the Broncos,
wonderful club that it still may be.
I dont think Ive ever hated a current Bronco as much as I do Boyd...
The way he has conducted himself, absolutely.

I can't watch next season if this geriatric **** laces up. No membership $$ for you.
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who gives a **** if our coach is overweight? do the white knights seriously need to defend his weight? are we looking for opportunities for outrage or?
I dont think Ive ever hated a current Bronco as much as I do Boyd...

The issue is with him doing multiple times in the post and claiming Boyd as saying things he did not say

I'm not saying you can't ever say anything, the occasional comment is OK, especially if it's constructive, but it's not occasional and it's not constructive

It's childish attempts at humour and it's absolutely relentless

Not directing that at you @pagey, just trying to respond to the question and explain why it bothers me
That's fair enough mate, everyone has a right to Express their own opinions.
who gives a **** if our coach is overweight? do the white knights seriously need to defend his weight? are we looking for opportunities for outrage or?

Not sure anyone is defending his weight, I'm certainly not
I am saying the constant barbs about his weight are not on, that's all :)
Not sure anyone is defending his weight, I'm certainly not
I am saying the constant barbs about his weight are not on, that's all :)
you're right and I'm an idiot for commenting on it again and keeping it going.
Not true.

Happy to give a refund if you've kept the receipt.

You claimed, although a little surreptitiously, that Boyd described his coach as handsome, portly and roly poly
He did none of those things
You are wrong

No refund required and I don't have a receipt - both of those things require having made a purchase, which we have already established, I did not