Ezra is the straw that broke the camels back for us as fans (I'm not including the rest of the morons in this). We have been waiting for this club to wake up. They gave us false hope for a season. Now here we are back again in familiar territory. I'm not confident in him turning into the player we want but I'm sure as hell glad we are no longer dependant on him.

Who ever stuffs up next, it is not going to be pretty.
Of course the clowns on Reddit have turned "losing his licence to demerit points 3 times" into "has already been caught driving without a licence 3 times" in order to justify their outrage boners. Can never let facts get in the way of a good virtue signalling.
Crazy times, having a car accident is apparently worst then sexually assaulting someone. Dylan Brown only got 7 weeks for sexually assaulting a woman 5 times. The NRL sure do some gymnastic thinking.

I like how you make it sound like he's just rammed into the back of a car right in front of him, lovely play on words that.
I like how you make it sound like he's just rammed into the back of a car right in front of him, lovely play on words that.
Are you saying that he left his home that day, actively looking for a car to hit? or did he see that car coming down the road and said screw them it my time baby!!
or did he just **** up and didn't see the car till it was to late, I Don't know but what i do know is that Dylan Brown purposely and actively went out of his way to molest that woman or did he just not hear her say stop 5 times?
As I said crazy times.
Are you saying that he left his home that day, actively looking for a car to hit? or did he see that car coming down the road and said screw them it my time baby!!
or did he just **** up and didn't see the car till it was to late, I Don't know but what i do know is that Dylan Brown purposely and actively went out of his way to molest that woman or did he just not hear her say stop 5 times?
As I said crazy times.

He clearly lost control of his vehicle, after making a decision to get behind the wheel without a license. You can downplay it all you like, he made a really really stupid decision.

Oh, he had traces of cocaine in his system too.

He probably didn't see the car, until he was on the wrong side of the road.
He clearly lost control of his vehicle, after making a decision to get behind the wheel without a license. You can downplay it all you like, he made a really really stupid decision.

Oh, he had traces of cocaine in his system too.

He probably didn't see the car, until he was on the wrong side of the road.
The decision might be stupid, he had traces of coke (this was deemed to have not been enough to impaired him, by the way)but it was an non-factor. I said simply that he had an accident which is true, unless you know more then Mam, the victims, the police, the forensic crew and the cameras, my statement is true.
He wasn't reckless or driving in a dangerous manner or speeding.... accident can just occur. Maybe on his oversea trip, they drove on the other side of the road and a momentary lapse of concentration cause him to make a mistake. I don't know and neither do you but I can make a thousand plausible excuses of why it happened. I would like you now to do the same for brown, make plausible excuses that is. Then explain the other 5 times.

The stupidity around Ezra's case is palpable and somewhat ignorant borderlining on delusional. I try to stay on the side of facts and not feelings, and to me the fact is that according to the NRL they some how see that a driving incident is worst.
He wasn't reckless or driving in a dangerous manner or speeding

Were you there were you?

I find it slightly amusing you go on about focusing on facts when you throw out a few hypotheticals of your own.

Also the decision "might" be stupid? Try again, it is/was stupid.
Do trials count?

For non-Broncos teams and especially Latrell Mitchell - yes most likely.

However the NRL have apparently said in Mam's specific case, he at least cannot count the All Stars game even though both JAC and Mitchell can because he has neve played for them before.

Now remember, Radley was able to count origin despite having never played for NSW before and being at 100-1 to be picked. He also then went on to represent England.
Do trials count?

Only the All-Stars game and I believe the Charity Shield as well and only if they can prove they would have been selected had they not been suspended.

In Latrell's and JAC's case, they are automatic selections for the All-Stars game when available so they can use that game. The people that handle the applications ask the coaches themselves whether the players would have been selected had they been available. Mam has never really been considered so he can't use it.
Are you saying that he left his home that day, actively looking for a car to hit? or did he see that car coming down the road and said screw them it my time baby!!
or did he just **** up and didn't see the car till it was to late, I Don't know but what i do know is that Dylan Brown purposely and actively went out of his way to molest that woman or did he just not hear her say stop 5 times?
As I said crazy times.

Kotoni Staggs got a Zero game ban and a fine for his part in a homophobic assault of a fan who just wanted a picture. Then a while later he followed it up with making unwanted advances on a woman and got a 2 game ban. We got a better outcome as far as the Broncos were concerned over a repeat offender. NRL have never been consistent.

As i said previously, Mam has absolutely zero defence in any of this no matter with what they threw at him. He was breaking the law on at least 3 accounts in his incident. He took illegal drugs. He was driving with illegal drugs in his system and he didn't have a license to drive a car. We dont even know what else he had in his system judging by the court statement. So while he wasnt actively looking to crash into somebody, he knew what he was doing was illegal, he knew the consequences of what could happen so its no excuse to say he didnt go out looking for it.

For the potential damage this absolute tool could have caused to the lives of 3 other people and their families, 6 months driving ban, $850 fine and a 9 game ban from playing football is incredibly lenient. I know i'll get the people who will say "well, none of that happened " ( which is true ) but its happened plenty of times in other situations because idiots think they dont have to follow the rules.

All he can do now is hope he learns from this and pulls his head in and goes on to have a great career as a Bronco.


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