I'm sure Tallis did something similar once to what you said Tee. I think it was with him and Harrigan...Not too sure. He basically asked the ref what would he do if someone told him he was shit? and the ref said he would send them off and he goes what if someone thinks your shit? and the ref...
I thought it was actually good to see where he lives. Good to see someone not wasting their money on a massive house.
However if he was trying to disarm her then thats a big no no in social work. You never try to disarm someone as a social worker doesn't have that power [icon_razz1
yes I do realise that but pacific islanders also include samoans, tongans so I don't get your point??
Just because you lived in New Zealand doesn't mean that you have seen it from a P.I point of view. How would I know what tribes art is on the jersey? They probably haven't even used a specific...
If you actually see what the jersey is about you will see that is it a mixture of maori culture, tongan culture, samoan culture, aboriginal culture and australian culture..I'm sure there is some others thrown in there as well.
I think it would be stupid for a kiwi to get offended seeing as we...
To be honest I think there is less onfield fighting now than what there used to be say 10 years ago. I just think with the off field antics the onfield stuff is being noticed more often.
There are plenty of hot heads who fight or used to fight on field that have never had any troubles off the...
Man that was hilarious to watch last night. Lovers tiff at it's best. Watmough kept going up and pestering the refs with Orford and I think he got the shits for stealing his thunder haha Watmough should have been given 10 anyway...
Of course you agree with me :P
But yeah I was gonna bring up Souths jersey but everyone would hate the fact that its something copied from a Souths idea ;)
LOL!! Ah Nashy....
I think the jersey looks awful. They could incorporate the traditional aboriginal painting into a jersey, just maybe not the WHOLE jersey.
I remember when I went to watch Scott once at Lucas Heights it was sorta cloudly but didn't really look like it was going to rain. Then it just pissed down and by the time I had got back to the shed thing I was soaked. Typical that he had to be playing on the field that was furthest away.