Things you would love to see happen on the field...


State of Origin Rep
Mar 4, 2008
Reaction score
I would love see a Capt of a team during a slight break in play say to a touchie in a really concerened voice " I want to make a formal complaint'. Game get stopped, officals move into the middle and the player looks at the refs and says, "gee I love this 2 ref system"Then turn to one ref and go " I would like to formally complain that this person here (points to the other ref) is abysmal at what he doing here tonight. I mean hes reffing is shit, the calls against us are just ridiculous and line ball cheating. Thanks; that was all" and walk off.

Would he be binned, I mean he did it formal manner.. could you imagine the refs face. And would the other ref put it on report........ yes I'm bored.
Re: This you would love to see happen on the field...

Ive seen something similar playing union.

The ref tells my team mate who is always going off at the ref to talk to the captain who will tell then pass it on to the ref.

My mate says to the captain in front of the ref "this guy is farken joke blah blah etc etc". Ref didnt do anything as it wasnt directed at him.

Anyway couldnt see it happening, the NRL would get em for bringing the game into disrepute or some crap.
Hhahahaha thats piss funny Browny...... sort of like the you can't get up me for thinking right... no I can't... well I think your a fuckhead.
Something like this needs to be done. Refs will never get better when they can't handle criticism.
I think the player would definitely get sin-binned and maybe even sent off. I think that is what would happen. I do think a captain could use this as a certain tactic in a certain situation - but it could be the most stupid and riskiest decision someone could make.
during a game at manly, i would like to see a bullet pass from locky hit and kill a seagull mid-flight.
shadow said:
during a game at manly, i would like to see a bullet pass from locky hit and kill a seagull mid-flight.
Creative [
shadow said:
during a game at manly, i would like to see a bullet pass from locky hit and kill a seagull mid-flight.

Imagine Rebecca Wilson's article headline.
Kaz said:
shadow said:
during a game at manly, i would like to see a bullet pass from locky hit and kill a seagull mid-flight.

Imagine Rebecca Wilson's article headline.

Rugby league's animal cruelty shame.
I would love to see a team stage a sit-in under the goalposts in protest at crap refereeing.
Roosters winning another game this season lol! [icon_pray. [icon_pray. [icon_pray. [icon_pray. [icon_pray. [icon_pray. [icon_pray. [icon_pray.
I'm sure Tallis did something similar once to what you said Tee. I think it was with him and Harrigan...Not too sure. He basically asked the ref what would he do if someone told him he was shit? and the ref said he would send them off and he goes what if someone thinks your shit? and the ref goes..well I can't control what people think and Tallis said to him...Well I think your shit then lol
And I remember a player once told a ref to put himself on report...was it Alfie? No, think he just called Moghseen Jadwat a dumbo....
I'd like to see Brookvale Oval collapse into a giant hole in the ground taking down all the Manly players and supporters.
Fozz said:
I'd like to see Brookvale Oval collapse into a giant hole in the ground taking down all the Manly players and supporters.
[icon_pray. Man that would be awesome...
I would like to see Corey Parker take the piss out of Jamie Soward and do the little march thingy when it's time to kick for a goal. It would be nice to see the look on Jamie Soward's face...haha.


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