Greg Inglis Assault Charges

It's why I always adopt the approach of not commenting on stuff like this until all the facts are out.
Hope it's true.

However, I also hope they still implement my signature!
The observation that I will make however, is that the Storm are handling this very professionally and Brian Waldron seems to be doing a good job in difficult circumstances.
Agree 100% lynx. Certainly handling it a million times better than Manly handled the Brett Stewart situation. I had to laugh at an article quoting Scott Penn from the eagles saying that he wanted consistency from the NRL in regards to the Inglis situation. Does he not realise that the NRL didn't need to get involved with this situation because the storm did the right thing in the first place with standing Inglis down, unlike the eagles?!
Emma said:
Agree 100% lynx. Certainly handling it a million times better than Manly handled the Brett Stewart situation. I had to laugh at an article quoting Scott Penn from the eagles saying that he wanted consistency from the NRL in regards to the Inglis situation. Does he not realise that the NRL didn't need to get involved with this situation because the storm did the right thing in the first place with standing Inglis down, unlike the eagles?!

+1 zillion!!!!!!!!

The Storm realise that on field results pale into insignificance next to the credibility of the game and its players.

Just another reason why Sydney clubs need to be culled. They're desperately corrupt.
Not only the standing down part, but also providing counselling to both of them, confirming in public that the club is not supporting one or the other, but both of them, just very professionally done all round (and may I say, much better handled than an incident up here last year). They should take this as the precedent for the way clubs handle these situations.
Aeetee said:
Him where to sit on this one..... OK I believe her and think Greg hurt her while trying to disarm her.

If she's self harming, then poor GI, it's awful stuff to witness...I believe Emma (or coxy or someone) said, you usually aren't surprised to hear about things when certain players get up to mischief (like the Greg Bird thing was hardly a surprise).....

Although did anyone see the Courier Mail yesterday when they had a picture of Greg's house and it didn't have immaculate lawns, as though it's proof he's a wife basher :roll:
mrslong said:
Although did anyone see the Courier Mail yesterday when they had a picture of Greg's house and it didn't have immaculate lawns, as though it's proof he's a wife basher :roll:

Admin Edit: No DV Jokes Guys

Agree with lynx, glad the Storm a) stood him down and took him away from the football team to let the justice system do its job, and b) offered support to all concerned.
Don't they know, some local kids stole his lawn mower. Tough neighbourhood he lives in.
Well we won't know until he faces court again m1c. Unless cops drop the charges before then.
If the court/prosecution doesn't buy this alleged story then they'll still pursue it.
Unfairly, the damage may already be done even if it does turn out to be true.

Honestly, all the best for all parties.

I agree with lynx - the Storm did handle it well and I hope other clubs in the future handle these situations in similar fashion. In saying this, obviosuly Melbourne did not repeat mistakes other clubs have made in the past and good on them.
I am inclined to believe this latest information. It is more inline with what I believe GI's character to be. And he is currently studying to be a social worker, so helping her out if she's trying to self-harm would definitely be in his nature. And in struggling to try and "dis-arm" her it would have been easy to accidentally hit her. I can also understand why he didn't immediately come out and state this as his own defense - he wouldn't want to expose her issues in the media.

Also agree with you lynx - the Storm could not have handled this situation any better IMO.

I hope that whatever the real truth is it does come out soon and everyone involved does get all the help they need to get past this and move on to a better place in their lives.
I thought it was actually good to see where he lives. Good to see someone not wasting their money on a massive house.

However if he was trying to disarm her then thats a big no no in social work. You never try to disarm someone as a social worker doesn't have that power [icon_razz1
I would have though Inglis would be able to take anything off his (tiny) girlfriend without too much of a struggle, especially not one resulting in her being hit in the face.

Still, it's believable, and if she has a history of mental health problems then that would back it up.

I've always had some doubts about Inglis' character, but I really hope this new story is true.
His natural instinct is to deliver a fend to the face, im sure instinct just took over. She probably stayed on her feet tho, more than i can say for LOLZman
If someone has a big arse knife in their hands (for example), I don't think it would be a simple matter to get that person to hand it over, regardless of how big or small each person is, especially if someone is trying to hurt themselves. A person's strength can't be underestimated in a situation like that, if she desperately wanted to hurt herself, I'm sure she would have put up a fight if someone tried to stop her.


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