Greg Inglis Assault Charges

Plus his no good stinking manager would be waving the court threat at them, that it's a restraint of trade, blah blah blah. In other professions he'd still have the opportunity to work (which isn't necessarily true), blah blah blah.

If not for life, then at the very least it has to be the equivalent of a drugs ban. 2 years.
Anonymous person said:
If he's found guilty, he'd get what, a slap on the wrist if he was a normal everyday Joe Blow? I'd hate to see them make an example of him just because he's a big name rugby league star.

If he is banned from the NRL for life they're only hurting themselves. He is going to be one of the all time greats, there is no doubt about it in my mind. He's got a fend not seen since Renouf, and IMO it's even better than his. He would walk right into the Australian Rugby Union team, and I bet they're licking their lips right now. Hell, even the AFL must be getting their contract writers onto it right now after the comments he made not long ago about considering AFL when his contract ends.

Please oh please can he be found not guilty :(. Queensland need him.

Who cares how good he is at footy? If he's guilty, he deserves to be punished.

Being a big name rugby league star is exactly the reason why they should make an example out of him. This crap is happening far too often and it needs to stop.
ningnangnong said:
Who cares how good he is at footy? If he's guilty, he deserves to be punished.

Being a big name rugby league star is exactly the reason why they should make an example out of him. This crap is happening far too often and it needs to stop.
Yes he needs to be punished if he's guilty - but not more than a regular person. Regular people beat their wives/gfs all the time and get off with a slap on the wrist or less.

You really think Greg Inglis getting shafted for it would deter Bob Bogan down the road from bashing his wife cause she didn't pick up the VB from the bottle-o? I think not.
Anonymous person said:
ningnangnong said:
Who cares how good he is at footy? If he's guilty, he deserves to be punished.

Being a big name rugby league star is exactly the reason why they should make an example out of him. This crap is happening far too often and it needs to stop.
Yes he needs to be punished if he's guilty - but not more than a regular person. Regular people beat their wives/gfs all the time and get off with a slap on the wrist or less.

You really think Greg Inglis getting shafted for it would deter Bob Bogan down the road from bashing his wife cause she didn't pick up the VB from the bottle-o? I think not.

No, but it'll deter Rugby League Players X and Y from doing stuff like this and jeopardising their career.

Fact is, the NRL and its players are not "Bob Bogan" down the road, they are elite sportsmen in a privileged position of money and adulation. That has to come with responsibility.

Players can be banned for 2 years for taking cocaine or a steroid masking agent, two things your "Bob Bogan" wouldn't face jail time for.

IMO, players should be banned for a minimum 2 years for any conviction for violent crime.
Coxy said:
IMO, players should be banned for a minimum 2 years for any conviction for violent crime.
That's fine, I have no problem with that.

What I do have a problem with is people saying he should be locked up BECAUSE he's a famous footballer. In the eyes of the law, a famous NRL football player IS a normal person. There is no part of the law saying that if you're in the public eye you deserve harsher punishment, and anyone saying they do is quite frankly an idiot.
Anonymous person said:
Coxy said:
IMO, players should be banned for a minimum 2 years for any conviction for violent crime.
That's fine, I have no problem with that.

What I do have a problem with is people saying he should be locked up BECAUSE he's a famous footballer. In the eyes of the law, a famous NRL football player IS a normal person. There is no part of the law saying that if you're in the public eye you deserve harsher punishment, and anyone saying they do is quite frankly an idiot.

Agree with your last point. He shouldn't be punished by the courts more for being an NRL player. It should be judged on its merits.

The NRL though has to take a stand against it. There's too much going on.
If he gets de-registered than that's a disgrace. Unless of course a few other players get de-registered for doing things which are just as bad and worse.
So because we've let thugs bash people and keep playing in the past we should always do so?

No. it's time the NRL takes a stand and applies mandatory bans to any player convicted of a violent crime.

And note I keep saying CONVICTED...charged, stand trial, and found guilty, conviction recorded...regardless of the actual sentence handed down.
Yes, and Greg Inglis still has to have his day in court.
The Rock said:
broncospwn said:
If he gets de-registered than that's a disgrace. Unless of course a few other players get de-registered for doing things which are just as bad and worse.

Why? Greb Bird got de-registered for glass his mrs right? So why shouldn't Inglis be de-registered for giving his girlfriend a black eye?
let me re-phrase. IF he gets sacked the NRL is a inconsistent disgrace and reek of double standards and base their punishments over how much media coverage a story gets.
However, if they make this their standard response to any such incident in the future, then it's fine IMO.
You can't back date this sort of punishment.
Yeah I don't mind if they standardize it. i.e. any player found guilty of domestic violence minimum 2 year ban.
I will just be annoyed if he gets some super harsh punishment( or even no punishment) because I'm sick of the inconsitencies.

IMO he should be banned for a year and any other offenses get him a permanent ban from the NRL.

One thing though, people say he should be sacked so the NRL can show it's against this, what is the bet that he will be picked up by another sport in no time? These sports don't seem to be affected by taking in sacked and it's another one up for other sports. This part pisses me off the most like greg bird glassing his girlfriend then he goes to anothe club and is made captain....
Yes, well in an ideal world AFL and Rugby Union and ESL would respect and honour an NRL ban, unfortunately that's not the case.

And not just domestic violence either, I mean ANY violent crime conviction. Assault, rape, whatever.
How the hell would you define a violent crime? What if someone was caught in a brawl and only tried to defend himself but is charged with assault or affray? What if someone is clearly guilty but gets let off on a technicality?

Looks at the Broncos. Give the Albrahma boys a slap on the wrist, then the Clinton fine. Still can't believe how anyone can justify that - that fine was a completely laughable and indefensible action. A plan is obviously needed but I think it'd be a mistake to go too far in the other direction in a short amount of time.

Speaking of bans, I wish someone would ban yearbook avatars. It looks like most of you are all the same person who keeps replying to himself.
If convicted I can't see Inglis playing another game in the NRL. Why do these players seem to think breaking the law is ok? The NRL has no chance of survival with incident slike this continuing to pop up.
Ari Gold said:
How the hell would you define a violent crime? What if someone was caught in a brawl and only tried to defend himself but is charged with assault or affray?

If it was proven self defence the odds of a conviction are slim.

Ari Gold said:
What if someone is clearly guilty but gets let off on a technicality?

Our justice system isn't perfect, but it's what our society is built on.

Ari Gold said:
Looks at the Broncos. Give the Albrahma boys a slap on the wrist, then the Clinton fine. Still can't believe how anyone can justify that - that fine was a completely laughable and indefensible action. A plan is obviously needed but I think it'd be a mistake to go too far in the other direction in a short amount of time.

No shit, and the NRL needs to rule on cases like that individually.

Ari Gold said:
Speaking of bans, I wish someone would ban yearbook avatars. It looks like most of you are all the same person who keeps replying to himself.

