Greg Inglis Assault Charges

Exactly! It's not just the ref's like Rock suggests its the players, officials, clubs and referees all contributing to the butchering of rugby league.
Twiztid said:
If that is the case, then we might as well just have the teams play touch football or Oztag. I don't think the violence is spilling over at all. If anything, I am putting my money on it probably being another alcohol fueled situation.

How did we get from violence to touch footy? I'm saying that throwing a punch on field needs to be punished as well as throwing one off it. Bring back the 5 minute bin for this, even if it means 3/4 of the team being binned for a mass brawl.
Fozz said:
Twiztid said:
If that is the case, then we might as well just have the teams play touch football or Oztag. I don't think the violence is spilling over at all. If anything, I am putting my money on it probably being another alcohol fueled situation.

How did we get from violence to touch footy? I'm saying that throwing a punch on field needs to be punished as well as throwing one off it. Bring back the 5 minute bin for this, even if it means 3/4 of the team being binned for a mass brawl.
You said the violence was spilling over from on field to off field and I am just saying that if this is the case (which I don't think it is) then we might as well just play touch footy so we don't have any contact that results in any violence. Most cases of fights are results of rough play - palm to the face, elbows, knees, ball grabbing etc

I agree, we need to have a 5 min sin bin for fighting, something similar to Ice Hockey (which I mentioned in another thread not too long ago). Let them go toe to toe and once it is over, piss them off to cool down.

I just don't agree with your idea that the violence on field is affecting off field. As most off field violence this year have been alcohol related. I don't think, Steve Price and Brett White where drinking a few cans between hit ups.
What a dick. Absolute dick. Innocent until proven guilty I guess, but hard to see any outcome other than him being deregistered a la Greg Bird.
Interesting to hear Steve Renouf's thoughts on this that all of this goingons, the only possible explanation is Gen Y, and I think there might just be something in that.

Plenty of you on these boards what do you all think ????
:( im heartbroken

Same Here. The thought of Steve Michaels playing centre in origin next year just isn't something I can come to terms with easily
Don't know if it's a generational thing Russo. I just think it's a symptom of young guys with high disposable income, low responsibilities, lots of free time and constantly being told how untouchable they are, how great they are.

They come straight out of school into that environment. Away from their parents. They don't have that grounding that most of us have, and that education about what's right and wrong and how you're supposed to treat people.

The only solution is to put life bans on anyone convicted of a violent crime. End of story.
But what about Anthony cherrington who was charged for a similar incident and is still playing for the chooks?

Not to mention Anthony Watmaugh who was found GUILTY, he burned his wife with cigarettes and picked her up and threw her into a glass door and threw a chair at her. He's the hero of NSW & Manly ffs. He even got away with slapping a sponsor, and he still suits up every week......

No wonder the guys still think they can get away with this crap when nothing happens to these players.


Good to see Greg Inglis get stood down, as he should be, BUT as long as their is some kind of consitency across the whole NRL I'm going to take it all with a grain of salt that they (the NRL) are trying to improve the games image. Not just the clubs.
mrslong, they'd doing what league has always done. They're being reactive.
Domestic Abuse is not a generational thing, it happens across all spectres of society. It is a societal issue, it's just that the NRL has a lot of power to discourage it...
ARU are looking how much spare dosh they have in their wallets as we speak.
I think he should go to jail...........guys are getting away with this all over the world, society needs to take a stand against domestic violence.
Even if he escapes jail, he should be banned for life from the NRL. And that should be the standard punishment for any player or official convicted of a violent crime.
It should happen, it won't happen. GI is too important to the NRL and Storm.

It will be the age ol' "He is undergoing extensive rehabilitation and attending violence against women group therapy blah blah blah- because of his determination to get back on track and his resentment towards his actions blah balh balh blah blah"
If he's found guilty, he'd get what, a slap on the wrist if he was a normal everyday Joe Blow? I'd hate to see them make an example of him just because he's a big name rugby league star.

If he is banned from the NRL for life they're only hurting themselves. He is going to be one of the all time greats, there is no doubt about it in my mind. He's got a fend not seen since Renouf, and IMO it's even better than his. He would walk right into the Australian Rugby Union team, and I bet they're licking their lips right now. Hell, even the AFL must be getting their contract writers onto it right now after the comments he made not long ago about considering AFL when his contract ends.

Please oh please can he be found not guilty :(. Queensland need him.