NEWS ‘Controversial call’: NRL to investigate bunker backflip

Super Freak

Super Freak

International Captain
Forum Staff
Jan 25, 2014
Klein moved on from Reece and cleared it, Gee told him to look again, then he backflipped.

If you're talking about the audio released in the briefing, that wasn't Gee.

That was the other bunker official and he's asking him if he wants to take another look.


State of Origin Rep
Jun 5, 2019
If you're talking about the audio released in the briefing, that wasn't Gee.

That was the other bunker official and he's asking him if he wants to take another look.
I see. That audio is terrible.
It's not a good look at all regardless and I'm wondering if the nrl has used audio like thus before to justify an otherwise dodgy looking decision, or is this another NRL first in a Bronco game?
Super Freak

Super Freak

International Captain
Forum Staff
Jan 25, 2014
I see. That audio is terrible.
It's not a good look at all regardless and I'm wondering if the nrl has used audio like thus before to justify an otherwise dodgy looking decision, or is this another NRL first in a Bronco game?

No it's not a good look.

The whole process was messy and Klein having a brain fart originally clearing Walsh didn't help things.

They have released bunker audio before when there's been controversial calls. I believe the first time was back in 2019 after a Sharks vs Dragons match when there was controversy over the match-winning try from Xerri. The audio from the bunker was released.

There's been at least another one or two IIRC.


State of Origin Rep
Sep 8, 2009
If you're talking about the audio released in the briefing, that wasn't Gee.

That was the other bunker official and he's asking him if he wants to take another look.
When he says, “That doesn’t look right to me, Ash “ - that’s not Gee?
Super Freak

Super Freak

International Captain
Forum Staff
Jan 25, 2014
When he says, “That doesn’t look right to me, Ash “ - that’s not Gee?

That's Gee.

There was another voice in the audio mentioning having another look at Walsh, that's the other bunker official. That's the one I'm assuming Midean was talking about.

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