2012 QLD state of origin jersey

I apologize for using the words abbo and nigger and if I have offended I'm sorry. Meninga just annoys me and offends me. The offense was 2010 was when he accused NSW of picking teams by skin colour, that hurt me badly and I will find it hard to forgive him. The annoyance is the dribble he comes out with around origin time.
wow. Bye Broncoman, been nice having you on this forum.
Do you mean actually eliminating me completely, I stated I apologize for any offense and I will never use those words again. It's just Meninga makes by blood boil to it's highest.
Also I have to put up with crap from you lot every year, stating we don't have passion, racially snub players, complain about refs when Mals the worst one by a long shot, and don't support our team. I hear this every year and on my first origin visit to suncorp I had beer poured on me and was abused the whole night. This I why I only go to origin in Sydney. NSW was where I was born and it's what I believe in.
Maybe you should grow a brain and learn to differentiate between the natural rivalry and banter between Queenslanders and NSW'kers, and actual stupid xenophobia like yours. :rolleyes:

And if you really want to hate someone because of racial vilification, start with your own Joey Johns. But I'm sure he has a good excuse, like snorting a bit too much...
Right. Everyone, calm down. Broncoman, my office.
When we redecorated :) and Mr Nash can I have a full update of what you are doing with said cockroach, because if i got here first I would have just deleted the account.
He's been banned for 7 days without warning. He's been advised that racism is not only unacceptable on BHQ, but in life.

I believe Aeetee will be pushing further with this if he wishes to return.
Note. I think the last person who got a 7 day ban on BHQ was that Nashy fellow.
As you know I often fight for people not getting banned. But racism is ####ed, he deserves that ####.
As you know I often fight for people not getting banned. But racism is ####ed, he deserves that ####.

Totally agree. If you can't engage in origin banter without going straight to baseless racial insults you shouldnt be allowed to post on this forum. I'm with Tee 100%
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He's probably right, but is someone who throws around race-based slurs the kind of support you want, you big eared half leb arab ranga maker! :P hehe.