FOOTBALL 2023 FIFA WWC Discussion

Perez doing well to hold onto that free kick.

Two Korean players right there looking for the rebound from Ji's free kick.
Looks to be a pretty good crowd at Allianz for this match.

The crowd numbers have been good so far.
Penalty Colombia!

Shim with the arm out which ends up stopping a shot at goal.
Still plenty of time for Korea to get back in this.
That was an ambitious free kick from Usme.

Too far out to go for goal.
What a goal from Caicedo.

Good run and a good goal. Whips it in and Yoon makes a complete mess of it.
Yoon gets hands to it but it comes off her hands and goes in.
Good save Perez.

That header from Lee was going in.
I'm expecting to see some dives from the Colombian forwards looking to force some red cards.

Two of Korea's defenders have a yellow.
Interesting that Korea have changed their formation and gone with 5 at the back. They originally had 3.

They're going into damage control.
NZ down 1-0 on their home ground against a side they should be leading against.

Jeez Wilkinson should have nailed that.

That was a golden chance. NZ just need a draw IMO.
That was a little ambitious.

Gotta do better than that NZ.
Hand doesn't miss this time. Nice delivery from Wilkinson and nice header from Hand.


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