2024 NRL Player Movements & Rumours

Bucking Beads

Bucking Beads

International Captain
Mar 5, 2008
Corey Parker saying he's heard "rumblings" that Jahrome Hughes wants out of Melbourne to come back to QLD and be closer to family. This is despite Hughes signing a 4 year extension that keeps him there until the end of 2026.

I think Parker is speaking shit, but if it was true, if I were Titans I would be on the phone to his manager.
Stranger things have happened but boy the Titans need some luck.


Senior Staff
Sep 6, 2013

How can this work? This isn't even a TPJ situation of walking away with one year remaining. This new contract of his goes to 2027. He's essentially giving up about 2.5 million if reports of values are correct. This has rort written all over it.

Ever since the NRL let that prop from the Titans walk away to become a 'farmer', it is just becoming progressively worse. Ridiculous we had to cop Milford's dumb salary all those years.


State of Origin Rep
Dec 4, 2013
Corey Parker saying he's heard "rumblings" that Jahrome Hughes wants out of Melbourne to come back to QLD and be closer to family. This is despite Hughes signing a 4 year extension that keeps him there until the end of 2026.

I think Parker is speaking shit, but if it was true, if I were Titans I would be on the phone to his manager.
Can he play next year at the storm and come here in 2026 (on min wage ofc) 😂


International Captain
Jul 28, 2016

How can this work? This isn't even a TPJ situation of walking away with one year remaining. This new contract of his goes to 2027. He's essentially giving up about 2.5 million if reports of values are correct. This has rort written all over it.

Ever since the NRL let that prop from the Titans walk away to become a 'farmer', it is just becoming progressively worse. Ridiculous we had to cop Milford's dumb salary all those years.
If the RLPA aren't stepping in to stick up for one of their members then something smells dodgy to me.

They shouldn't be standing by and letting a young NRL player, who's performance and name is being hammered left, right and centre be hung out to dry because Manly have gone with a 'things change bro'.

Schuster may have been getting offered more secure contracts elsewhere, but stayed with Manly for whatever reason and now his career could be in tatters... is this not what the RLPA should be getting involved in?


NRL Player
Oct 10, 2013
If the RLPA aren't stepping in to stick up for one of their members then something smells dodgy to me.

They shouldn't be standing by and letting a young NRL player, who's performance and name is being hammered left, right and centre be hung out to dry because Manly have gone with a 'things change bro'.

Schuster may have been getting offered more secure contracts elsewhere, but stayed with Manly for whatever reason and now his career could be in tatters... is this not what the RLPA should be getting involved in?
Not sure we have all the facts. Was some talk of personal issues. May be a mutual termination.


International Captain
Jul 28, 2016
Not sure we have all the facts. Was some talk of personal issues. May be a mutual termination.
Possibly... I haven't heard much since they were claiming performance issues as reasoning for the termination.


International Captain
Jan 14, 2015
Not sure what personal issues could effectively make someone willing to sacrifice 2.5 million.

Maybe he realises if he has mental health issues for example money isnt going to fix everything. Not worth the hassle for a game.
Super Freak

Super Freak

International Captain
Forum Staff
Jan 25, 2014
Not sure we have all the facts. Was some talk of personal issues. May be a mutual termination.

It is mutual by the sounds of it. He's taking some time to get himself right. There's some real issues there with him, he needs some time away.


NRL Player
Apr 24, 2013
Not sure what personal issues could effectively make someone willing to sacrifice 2.5 million.
I heard that he has not met certain contracted stipulations, maybe based on these personal issues, to the point that Manly could terminate him without further payment. I’m guessing the agreed payout and salary cap hit is goodwill and avoiding court battles…


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Dale Finucane has announced his retirement effective immediately.

Medical advice was to retire due to his concussion history


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Kulikefu Finefeuiaki has signed a 3 year deal with the Phins

And the Cleary brothers won't be teaming up in the halves at the Panthers for at least the next few years after Jett Cleary signed with the Warriors


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Michael Carayannis and Brent Read are reporting that the Tigpies are now the front runners to sign Turuva from the Panthers.

The Tigers want Turuva to play in the centres and be the cover for Bula at fullback


International Captain
Jul 28, 2016
Michael Carayannis and Brent Read are reporting that the Tigpies are now the front runners to sign Turuva from the Panthers.

The Tigers want Turuva to play in the centres and be the cover for Bula at fullback
I keep thinking why is Taruva talking to so many teams that already have fullback sorted. Dragons are banking on Sloan, Tigers have Bula, Knights with Ponga, etc.

But the back up fullback component is an interesting one that I think will start to become more relevant for teams moving forward... mostly on the back of Manu slipping in for Teddy whenever he's out.

Fullback is so important nowadays that if you lose a fullback mid-game or injury for a couple weeks (HIA, etc.) you could be stuffed, but if you've got someone in your full strength 17 that can slip in and you barely miss a beat then it is super handy... and I can see teams paying a bit extra for that insurance from someone you can play in your 17 every week.

It's why I think Cobbo starts to warrant a bit more value compared to Staggs in that debate. We also have Arthars that can play some fullback and Sailor in the reserves, but it means we have cover for Walsh if he ever needs a spell.

Ponga goes down for knights and their season could basically be over. He's a superstar player, but if they had Taruva sitting on the wing then he just moves straight into the spot and they aren't automatically done for the year... so I can start to see why teams are interested in him and not looking to play him at fullback.


Senior Staff
Sep 6, 2013
Honestly, the Roosters should be chasing Turuva, Tedesco is showing his age again and they have lost Manu and Suaalii. There is a fullback spot opening up there.

And on that point, why aren't the Roosters chasing players? They are looking thin next year and have freed up 80 million dollars in Manu going alone.

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