PLAYER Corey Oates

Ari Gold

Ari Gold

Master Baiter
Mar 13, 2008
For the first 60mins of tonight there was no sight of Oates, and after 30 or so of those 60mins it really started to bother me. He's a talent and a match winner. Some people think he's a back, others think he's a running backrower. Personally, I think he has the talent to be either.

But not the opportunity. From all reports we are going to re-sign Glenn and Thaiday. That's with Parker and Gillett having a future with us. Parker might retire one day, but we have a great lock replacement in Arrow and it's not a position I think any of our edge backrowers are suited to.

Which makes me think we need to play Oates in the backs. Thaiday's back next week. Maybe he'll play prop, but I don't know how Oates will get more game time as a bench backrower with Thaiday in the team rather than out of it.

Maybe Glenn is injured -- he did go off late. But either way, I think Oates getting 20mins a game is criminal.


International Rep
May 21, 2013
I've gone sour on Gillett, he's our least valuable back rower at the moment, we should be starting Oates & Glenn next year with Thaiday at prop or off the bench, Gillett can either play off the bench or Queensland Cup at this stage.


International Rep
Mar 7, 2008
He is a talent and because he is he will get game time. You can see it, I can see it and you can be damn sure WB and co can see it. It will be a puzzle until he nails his role but that much ability should not be wasted doing grunt work. While he is still young , let him stay away from the pigs. He might get a run in the centres during Origin or when Hodges has his next injury !
I bleed Maroon

I bleed Maroon

International Rep
Apr 17, 2013
I've gone sour on Gillett, he's our least valuable back rower at the moment, we should be starting Oates & Glenn next year with Thaiday at prop or off the bench, Gillett can either play off the bench or Queensland Cup at this stage.

This is pretty much how it's been for the last 6 months. I really don't understand how Gillett gets a free ride while Thaiday temporarily has his contract torn up after round 1.


NYC Player
Mar 9, 2015
Start Oats, bench gillette.

Oats is a future superstar backrower in NRL and origins. Need to sign him long term in 2017. One club player i hope.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
We have enough quality in the back row ATM, but SFA on the wings. For that reason, i think that even in a full strength back line he should be on one of the wings.

Full strength backline IMO.

1. Boyd
2. Oates
3. Copley
4. Hodges
5. Kahu.

Damn that is a dangerous backline


QCup Player
Jun 27, 2014
Looks good Foordy, we did miss oates getting our sets off to a good start last night. But we need a left Centre that will pass, I'm just not sure that's Copley, and obviously that's not Reed either clearly shown in last night's game.

We missed about 3 scoring opportunities that Maranta scores untouched in the corner if we threw the ball one more pass.

We need to clone kahu and have one on the wing and one in left centre, because that boy knows when to run and when to throw that pass.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Looks good Foordy, we did miss oates getting our sets off to a good start last night. But we need a left Centre that will pass, I'm just not sure that's Copley, and obviously that's not Reed either clearly shown in last night's game.

We missed about 3 scoring opportunities that Maranta scores untouched in the corner if we threw the ball one more pass.

We need to clone kahu and have one on the wing and one in left centre, because that boy knows when to run and when to throw that pass.

True ... I think Copley passes more than Reed, he alao offers far more in the attacking sense than Reed. I think his defence eould improve if ye was able to stay in the same position in consecutive weeks.

The reason that i gad Kahu on the wing instead of Copley is his ability under the high ball. That is required far more by wingers rather than centers.

I think Kahu will eventually end up in the centers once Hodges retires. In fact once that happens we should build around a Copley-Kahu center pairing


State of Origin Captain
Mar 5, 2008
I've gone sour on Gillett, he's our least valuable back rower at the moment, we should be starting Oates & Glenn next year with Thaiday at prop or off the bench, Gillett can either play off the bench or Queensland Cup at this stage.

We under-utilize our back row. Our halves still have no idea of how to consistently create opportunities for them. Finally, Hunt and Oates get together and look at the result. Meanwhile, Glenn and Gillett are largely used as one-out hit up men. We should look at how the Roosters use Cordner and Guerra and try that for a change.

I remember last year when Gillett in particular did some great things when he got some decent ball out wide, and the same with Glenn this year on the few occasions he and Milford combined.

Our edge forward game is largely non-existent ... and again, when we do it like last night, you see the results.

Aside from which, I thought Gillett's defensive work while he was the field was very good.

Some people around here expect miracles to just come out of thin air.
I bleed Maroon

I bleed Maroon

International Rep
Apr 17, 2013
This kid...I tell ya what.

I said this last year or the year before when he debuted and started killing it from the word go, he has got a massive future ahead of him.


State of Origin Rep
Jun 26, 2008
I'm really looking forward to seeing where Wayne sees his future positional wise ?

Personally i'd like to see him play in the centres as he just looks like another gene Miles to me, but i could also see him being used as a damaging backrower running those courageous lines in attack.

Good times ahead for sure !


International Captain
Senior Staff
Apr 26, 2008
Out of all the juniors we have, Oates is the one I would be absolutely filthy to see at another club. He's simply an awesome player.
Black Philip

Black Philip

State of Origin Captain
Mar 5, 2008
Parker is 33 now, Oates is only 20. I can't imagine it's too much longer before Parker hangs the boots up and a back row spot becomes vacant.


State of Origin Captain
Mar 14, 2008
Keep Oates on the wing until we need him in the middle, he won't provide us with too much more in the middle at present but what we're getting from him on the flanks is massive. Against Melbourne he was immense, 10-15m charges off his own line, taking a lot of dirty hitups.

I'm a big fan of the kid, he'll be a star for years to come.


State of Origin Captain
Mar 5, 2008
Keep Oates on the wing until we need him in the middle, he won't provide us with too much more in the middle at present but what we're getting from him on the flanks is massive. Against Melbourne he was immense, 10-15m charges off his own line, taking a lot of dirty hitups.

I'm a big fan of the kid, he'll be a star for years to come.



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