2024 NRL Player Movements & Rumours



NRL Player
Apr 24, 2013
Tin foil hat stuff here re Roosters and big Dave but hear me out...

We all know Fifita isn't necessarily the most intelligent bloke so what's the chances the roosters say "yep 825k Dave plus (nudge nudge wink wink) if you head down to the little fish and chip shop in Bondi at 2pm on this date they may just be looking for someone to market their shop and pay you 175k per year in return for your services. This deal has nothing to do with the club so you'll have to organise it and its all avove board, but probably best not to tell anyone about this conversation."

Big Dave 2 days later speaking to his manager in front of Titans officials"Oh also i gotta go to this shop and do some promotions for them, the roosters lined it up for me and said its got nothing to do with them so its all good and not included in their cap".

6 hours later on advice from his manager, Fifita calls the Roosters expressing his doubts (dodgy 3rd party deal) to which the roosters come together and realise their cover has been blown. Unlike every other player they sign Dave thinks when someone gives a nudge nudge wink wink its just a strange tic, not a hint something sus is going on (picture monkeys clapping symbols together in his head at this time). Roosters pull the offer to avoid anymore questions been asked.

Is it out of the realms of possibility a situation like this happened?
You are assuming the manager has his ethical compass pointing north to question the Roosters so no that wouldn’t happen.

I think this is just a case where the simplest explanation is the correct one…no need for elaborate theories.
Super Freak

Super Freak

International Captain
Forum Staff
Jan 25, 2014
Is this old dinosaur for real? This is why we have player managers…

IMG 4441


Senior Staff
Sep 6, 2013
Why the heck would they? They don't owe Robinson or Politis anything. I love the disdain being showed to that ridiculous Sydney club that just cherry pick everyone else's hard developed players. They don't deserve any respect whatsoever.


International Captain
Jul 28, 2016
Why the heck would they? They don't owe Robinson or Politis anything. I love the disdain being showed to that ridiculous Sydney club that just cherry pick everyone else's hard developed players. They don't deserve any respect whatsoever.
The Sydney media are a joke ... why do they think Qlders give any shits about what the **** they do or the hierarchy down there??

They treat Uncle Nick like a god... he must be giving so many kickbacks and sweeteners to the media down there... they're basically mouth pieces to a lobbyist at this point


Senior Staff
Sep 6, 2013
The Sydney media are a joke ... why do they think Qlders give any shits about what the **** they do or the hierarchy down there??

They treat Uncle Nick like a god... he must be giving so many kickbacks and sweeteners to the media down there... they're basically mouth pieces to a lobbyist at this point

What are they even meant to say?

'Umm just wanted to call you guys and apologise that you didn't manage to get our player from us. So sorry that this guy decided to stay with us than leave us and go to you when you have done nothing for him. Our hearts break for you not getting what you didn't work for.'


International Captain
Jul 28, 2016
What are they even meant to say?

'Umm just wanted to call you guys and apologise that you didn't manage to get our player from us. So sorry that this guy decided to stay with us than leave us and go to you when you have done nothing for him. Our hearts break for you not getting what you didn't work for.'
I don't even care about that though... their profession is getting clicks... why would they think the general public give a shit about Uncle Nick's feelings to publish a story about it.

It's an ego trip requested from Uncle Nick otherwise they might not get an invite to his next lunch. Faux outrage from the media to stay on Nick's good side.

Should Fifita have given Penrith a call that he wasn't going with them... did he call them?... who knows and they don't care about reporting on it... did Gagai call around that he rejected them, etc.


Senior Staff
Sep 6, 2013
Titans don't need to but Fifita should have, he found their number when he wanted to go there but doesn't ring and be a man and say sorry but going to stay thanks for the offer.

And? This isn't what Rothfield is saying.


International Rep
Apr 14, 2013
And? This isn't what Rothfield is saying.

Well read, that's why I said the Titans don't have to- disagreeing with him- but then added I think Fifita should have done it- adding a point about what I think should have happened.


State of Origin Rep
Jan 8, 2018
Titans don't need to but Fifita should have, he found their number when he wanted to go there but doesn't ring and be a man and say sorry but going to stay thanks for the offer.
I thought he did ring them and express openly that he was having doubts. It was then that 'apparently' the Rorters pulled the offer. If anything I think the Rorters camp were obligated to ring Dave (or his manager) and make this the end of the negotiations.

Not sure how it finally ended, but Dave did ring (no) Pull-itis and let him know he was having second thoughts.


International Rep
Apr 14, 2013
I thought he did ring them and express openly that he was having doubts. It was then that 'apparently' the Rorters pulled the offer. If anything I think the Rorters camp were obligated to ring Dave (or his manager) and make this the end of the negotiations.

Not sure how it finally ended, but Dave did ring (no) Pull-itis and let him know he was having second thoughts.

I think his management did, he was supposed to have dinner with Politis tonight.

After his management also reached out to the Roosters and "express doubt about his decision" according to a statement from the club, the Titans' held internal conversations to quickly approve the option for the coming two years.



International Captain
Jul 28, 2016
Finally a journo willing to call it out for what it is /s

Harry Sack

Harry Sack

International Rep
Forum Staff
Jun 12, 2013
All depends what actually happened tbh and I guess we'll never know. I mean, the Roosters claim that after Fifita's manager told them that he was having second thoughts, they pulled the deal. What was he supposed to call them about? I absolutely think if he had decided to back out, he should have been the one to call them...but that's not the narrative that the Roosters are pushing.

Either way, I don't give a shit. I just love the outrage from the media that anyone would dare do this to Politis. "Ohhhh, you don't want to get on Uncle Nicks bad side" **** off tossers. Kudos to you David


Senior Staff
Sep 6, 2013
I hope every single Qld club and Qld-based player gives them the cold shoulder every chance they get.

When Cobbo re-signs with us (and he will) what are we supposed to call these entitled idiots and say sorry for keeping our player?
Big Pete

Big Pete

International Captain
Mar 12, 2008
Aaron Schoupp --> Manly Sea Eagles

I only just noticed the news while scanning through NSW Cup sides, I completely missed the announcement on Monday.

I suppose Manly had the room considering they only had 26 contracted players following the releases of Tuipulotu, Schuster and Fulton. Still it strikes me as a strange signing and just another instance of Manly jumping at the chance of signing a maligned player (eg. Luke Brooks, Jake Arthur, Jaxson Paulo, Matt Lodge, Aaron Woods etc.)


International Rep
Apr 14, 2013
Aaron Schoupp --> Manly Sea Eagles

I only just noticed the news while scanning through NSW Cup sides, I completely missed the announcement on Monday.

I suppose Manly had the room considering they only had 26 contracted players following the releases of Tuipulotu, Schuster and Fulton. Still it strikes me as a strange signing and just another instance of Manly jumping at the chance of signing a maligned player (eg. Luke Brooks, Jake Arthur, Jaxson Paulo, Matt Lodge, Aaron Woods etc.)

He's been good for the Jets in a very average team. Always runs hard and makes ground.

Defence is a little suspect which I blamed on Jets but I see he missed a lot of tackles on the weekend.

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