Well howzat for a return of serve ?
Sure the first score was on the back of a penalty - 2 x 6 agains - dropout but it has to be said that NSW were in the end good enough to exploit that to get the snowball rolling. And what a snowball it was.
- Well it went Sua linebreak...
- terrible kick from DCE when he should've run it on last or at least not kicked it 5m from the 20m line
- Penalty for soft high shot on Crichton
- Six again... six again... drop out... try
- Taulagi linebreak... which he kicked into the stands for a 7-tackle set... into a NSW try
- Penalty for a flop in yardage at the 30m line... NSW try
16-0... game over within 25mins
Then penalty against Reece (kick off out on the full?) ... try... then penalty again for the captain's challenge when Klein realised he needed to turn this Titanic disaster of a game around, but Atkins chimed in and wanted some of the action.
So 6-0 on the penalties and six agains front by the 30th minute and down 22-0 with about 32% possession I think.
Klein then gave Qld a penalty for "offside" in yardage, but damage was well and truly done.
From that point on... Qld were perfect ... because NSW didn't receive another penalty or six again all game... shock horror... actually no they got two more penalties (Reece short kick off out on the full and Patty high shot on Lomax)... so 6 in 30mins, but 2 for the remaining 50mins (but neither for ruck or offside)
Game was manufactured into oblivion and Klein completely messed it up...
Who knows what will happen in Game 3 because tactics haven't been needed in either Game 1 or 2 at this point... I've not seen any footy in origin so far this year because both games have been a farce