NEWS Adam Reynolds and Pat Carrigan altercation

That's it right there, I'll never see the evidence of Adam's guilt, either because it won't be released or it doesn't exist. And in the absence of evidence, I'll assume his innocence. It's the way it is supposed to be.

And thats fine, but an assumption of innocence doesnt mean innocence. The evidence is there, you just need to know where to find it. I'm content knowing from a bloke who was physically involved in the incident ( not the 2 main protaganists ) that there is more to this episode ( and not in a sinister or bad way ) than meets the eye.
And thats fine, but an assumption of innocence doesnt mean innocence. The evidence is there, you just need to know where to find it. I'm content knowing from a bloke who was physically involved in the incident ( not the 2 main protaganists ) that there is more to this episode ( and not in a sinister or bad way ) than meets the eye.
Definitely understand your point mate, if you've spoken to someone who was there, then that gives you evidence others don't have, and that may lead you to a different opinion.
I can only go ion what evidence I have, but I won't argue against your right to come to a different opinion as you have additional info.