NEWS Adam Reynolds and Pat Carrigan altercation

There is nothing in this. Reyno trying to stop a mate from getting arrested. Carrigan probably trying to drunk convince a security guard he's fine and not drunk, no need to be cut off. Reyno needs to use every fibre In his 100% healed ankles to push thor away which makes it look scrappy.

As the great Cooper Reid put it. "Look, all I can tell you is what I've already told Mister Beasley: none of us saw anything. It was just one of those things: Bluey Barnes was reading a magazine; Ambrose Hatcheson was taking a piss; Johnny Price was washing his hands; Jimmy Loughnan was watching a bullant crawl across the table, and I was watching Jimmy watching the bullant."
As much as i get, and i have myself acted like a fool after a night on the beers, i'm not i high profile sportsman who is going to get recognised. I can get away with being an idiot in public, they cant. As long as they are Broncos players, they need to be aware any negative shit like this brings unwanted attention on the club.

I think there needs to be a consequence dished out by the club. I couldnt care less what the media and the NRL do tbh, i want the club to be setting the standards of whats acceptable and whats not. The media beat up over this though just comes with the territory.
As punishment they should give Billy the captaincy for 1 game
KevinKevin will front media Tuesday morning.
Could this be perhaps the annual Brisbane Broncos get some mongrel inya, pre season Brisvegas piss and punch up practice run ?
You know who I feel sorry for is the young boys who look up to Patty and Reyno. Because 99.9 of the broncos fanbase is men and young boys and yes us girls are the 1% who support the team
Oh please! What did Reyno do wrong? Looks like he should be applauded for trying to put a drunk friend in a cab.
I would love for them to not have to go to Vegas. In fact, this was probably a deliberate ploy, and the stacks-on was orchestrated so everyone knew it was nothing serious.

Come on, who really thinks a slimmed-down Reynolds would be able to hold his own against Carrigan? And Pat being the "bad guy"? That is the exact kind of thing Pat would put his hand up for, taking the fall so the others wouldn't look bad.
You would think V‘landys would want to showcase the best players possible in Las Vegas. Might save their arses.
Yeah could be good footage for an add for Vegas ,..Brrrrisbane Brrroncs Reeady to Ruuumble .!!