Anthony Mundine at it again

Re: Former Bronco revealed as racist

On topic, not personal attacks please. I have committed no crime. It is factual .

That's like me getting charged for assault and someone publishing a story "Former BI-LO Employee Charged with Assault" when I last worked there like 5 years ago and currently work at IBM.
I agree it's similar but not but quite the long bow you are drawing. Perhaps if the fantasy assault was published in the (imaginary) BI-LO newsletter it would not be such a stretch. Either way it's been moved and renamed so unless there is something else we can now regard my 'crime' as dealt with .
I'm just trolling, I don't really care you worded it that way. If it was a major news website though and they had a title like that I'd be very annoyed.
You might as well be fully factual - Former average, self proclaimed best 5/8 rugby league player of all time. Who played most of his career for a shit club and played in a successful Broncos team, though hardly provided anything anyone remembers now a days.

Left Rugby League due to racial bias from NSW selectors who didn't pick Aboriginal 5/8's :loool:. Left to try his hand at boxing and found the easy way around the retirement village of boxing fighters and no names, besides a few ok fighters in Green and Wood but hardly superstars of the boxing world outside of Australia. Continues to embarrass himself by talking to the media and wonders why people think he is the biggest dickhead of all time. Is also the biggest dickhead of all time.
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He's not all that bad (for you) Twiz.

He basically landed you one of the best signings in your club's history.

More reasons for us to dislike him. :laugh:
Wow Mundine has a fight coming up and he says something controversial. Haven't seen that before.

The guys a massive knob but gee he knows how to create interest in a fight! How many more ppl will buy this fight now to see Geale smash him and he'll be laughing all the way to the bank! The bloke see's boxing as a business and good on him he'll make a bucketload of cash off the morons that get caught up in his brilliant marketing campaign, he does it every fight.
He's not all that bad (for you) Twiz.

He basically landed you one of the best signings in your club's history.

More reasons for us to dislike him. :laugh:

True to a degree, lol. IMO Champion had more importance on the deal working. If it wasn't for Champion being a great bloke and taking the exchange like a true professional we wouldn't have been able to.

Doesn't change the fact that besides a few good things he may have done, he has done a lot of stupid things we all remember. If his brain was as fast as his mouth and hands he would never be in trouble.
We give Mundine a premiership.

Mundine takes GI from us and only offers us Reece Robinson.

Sometimes, life ain't fair. :laugh:
He fought one fighter from America who was actually a very good fighter, a guy named Antwun Echols but Echols had been shot only 9 weeks before. The bullet entered through his back and ended up in his left arm in the armpit area. When he fought Mundine he still had the bullet lodged in that area because he risked nerve damage from any attempt to remove it. I didn't know that at the time and watched the fight at the pub, absolutely certain Mundine was going to get smashed. Mundine won,on points over 12 rounds against a guy with one fully functional arm. Echols would have owned him, I'd watched most of his previous fights.That's really why I was there. Still dirty about that 3 hours I'll never get back !
How weird from Lang. Has he never considered why so many people risk everything to come here in leaky boats ? Why would they bypass countries that share their beliefs to come to a racist intolerant society ? Too many hits to the head for one of Queensland's best forwards.
I really don't think Australia is as racist as what some people would like us to believe.
Those idiots should take a trip to Western Europe to find out what an actual racist country looks like... But nothing beats Japan when it comes to racism/xenophobia!
Well besides the enormous amount of racist keyboard warriors, I haven't seen much racism out and about, definitely a 5-10% thing with only 1 of the 5-10% every voicing their opinions. That's like anything else though, there's always the extreme ends that are retards.