Ben Te'o Assault Allegations - No Charges

Re: Oh no, bad news coming.

We do know now who the 3 players are and come next season all are Ex-Broncos...

I know it mentions Norman as helping her, however he should still be stood down while the matter is fully investigated.

I am not sure that is necessary unless the women has accused him of doing something wrong.
Re: Oh no, bad news coming.

I am not sure that is necessary unless the women has accused him of doing something wrong.
Exactly. From what I've read in that one article is that Norman did nothing wrong. If there's allegations that Norman did something wrong, sure drop him but that doesn't seem to be the case.
Re: Oh no, bad news coming.

We do know now who the 3 players are and come next season all are Ex-Broncos...

I know it mentions Norman as helping her, however he should still be stood down while the matter is fully investigated.
Sure, the kid did the right thing, so let's stand him down... FMD! :glare:
Re: Oh no, bad news coming.

boyd only bailed cos he didnt want to front the press.
Re: Oh no, bad news coming.

kind of relieved to read that as Darius was fast beginning to fit the profile of a potential serial killer ...

He sure was. It's not surprising cos he does seem like the kind of guy that would bail. Kind of impressed by Norman for the way he acted, never thought I would say that
Re: Oh no, bad news coming.

norman helping her doesnt explain the ch 9 add where she says "they left me for dead". i would believe it is ch9 beating it up for the camera though.

which is a pretty stupid thing to say anyway cos i dont know if you can die from a black eye, but yeah.
Re: Oh no, bad news coming.

teo is denying he did anything wrong and says he is the one who called the police.

"I wish to make the following statement in relation to rumours circulating about an incident which occurred approximately one month ago in Brisbane.

I am making this statement on the understanding that a television network intends to broadcast a story this evening which does not give a true account of the incident.

I have not provided a statement to this network in response to the story.

I understand that the news story contains a claim by a female that I was involved in an altercation with her at a house in Brisbane.

I have not been informed of the exact nature of the news story, however I am able to refute entirely any suggestion that I acted improperly.

On the night in question, I found myself in unfortunate circumstances that were not caused by me and I acted appropriately to deal with a difficult situation.

I called the police to report the incident and have the female removed from the house.

I have not pressed charges against the female and to the best of my knowledge no charges have been laid against me.

I don’t wish to go into any further detail about this matter because I regard the incident as unfortunate and something I wish to leave behind me.

I have offered my co-operation to the Police, the NRL integrity unit, my Club and other authorities to ensure that this matter is dealt with in the appropriate way.

To this point I have not had any contact from the Police since their attendance at the house, and neither my management nor my Club have had any contact from the Police or the female at the centre of this news story.

Accordingly I have no further comment to make at this stage."
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Re: Oh no, bad news coming.

Now you know why Te'o wasn't wanted at the Broncos.
Re: Oh no, bad news coming.

This happened a month ago, nice try Kaz... :001_tt2:
Re: Oh no, bad news coming.

I have not pressed charges against the female and to the best of my knowledge no charges have been laid against me.

So is he saying she hit him or some other person was involved in it.

The woman has named Te'o
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Re: Oh no, bad news coming.

norman helping her doesnt explain the ch 9 add where she says "they left me for dead". i would believe it is ch9 beating it up for the camera though.

which is a pretty stupid thing to say anyway cos i dont know if you can die from a black eye, but yeah.

"Left me for dead" is a phrase. Meaning they just left her without any help, not insinuating she would die.

In the interview, the woman claims: "I was laying in the hallway with blood everywhere ... I could have been dead for all they know."
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Re: Oh no, bad news coming.

Please include a source when posting stuff from other sites.

Interesting he's denying it completely, could either be he is lying and CH 9 is running a BS story based on false allegations or CH 9 is telling the truth.
Re: Oh no, bad news coming.

surely the police have record of who made the call? teo states the police came to the house following the call. im sure the police can verify this.

so if the police do verify that, we have teo who wanted this girl out of his house? and she has at some stage copped a knock to the eye. what caused it will come down to his word against hers however boyd and norman will no doubt stick up for ben regardless of what actually happened.
Re: Oh no, bad news coming.

Honestly. Involved in rape or assult. Fired. Don't come back. There is no excuse for it, it's not welcome in this country, you don't deserve to be a football star. Gone.