The issue that has been created from it is the vid ref not overruling the onfield call. Case in point was Nene's try, which got sent up as a try... video shows him losing control and it looks nothing like a try yet the vid ref does everything he can to prove the onfield ref correct and then scratches up a reason to blow it up.
There are times when the ref can't see what's happened yet he's got to make a call, which the vid ref then tries his hardest to confirm.
I can't see why the vid ref and the onfield ref can't have a chat about decisions when the footage is shown. At the moment the vid ref takes all onus of the decision once it's sent up and the onfield ref has no say whatsoever.
A simple chat between the vid ref and ref would clear so many decisions and make it so much better. Knik's try for example, the onfield may have called no try because he caught vision after the initial grounding when he was well and truly held up, he could explain that to the vid ref and let him know that he has no decision on the initial grounding or that he definitely grounded initially but he thought it was short of the goal line, etc.