Best try celebrations

It's a wonder that the QLDRL have not given the NSW team of 2000 QLD tracksuits if they have been the motivation for 13 years.
personally i enjoy seeing try celebrations like Israel Folaus in his origin matches - literally jumping for joy with a big grin ear to ear and a bit of a fist pump. the pre-planned ones not so much. riddells was awesome though, as was russell bawdens.
Yeah lets bring back post try celebrations. Change the name to Amateur Rugby league while we are at it.
I know these are just kids playing around in the park but seriously how funny would it be to see an NRL team do it.

wow so boring and plain. the best ones are those that involve the actual football or part of the field etc, others are just lame imo. things like the bowling ball, riddells and the hand grenade at least take some thought and imagination!
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