PLAYER Billy Walters

What role should Billy Walters play?

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International Rep
Aug 25, 2018
Kevvie has a problem. A big problem. He needs a half to partner Captain Fixit. He has an 80 minute tacklebot at 9 who's killing momentum and not challenging the line. He renegged on his offer of 6 to Kotoni Staggs. He has two incumbent 6's who suddenly look very ordinary. He has a utility-in-waiting who's been back of the queue for two years - who now looks good enough, but not great. And the next big thing, looking like the next big thing, who's a ticking timebomb for anyone who pulls on the 6 jersey.

But the biggest part of his problem is trying to be the best dad ever AND the best coach ever. How does he do right by his son, who's killing it in the trials, without being accused of nepotism and holding someone else back?

It's your turn to play Kevvie.

ScreenBubble OBill

There's a new sheriff in town


International Captain
Senior Staff
Apr 26, 2008
**** the whole nepotism argument. He has support staff who aren't biased.

Walters will and should be the 6, no ifs or buts.

Turpin can play 20 minutes to start the game then head to the showers.

MAM should be given the odd injury cover game and slowly given a taste with a view to a more full-time role next year.

I wouldn't hate a 9/14 split with Paix/Walters and MAM as 6 but I do think it's too early to throw MAM there full-time. You need to feed players into grade slowly.


NRL Captain
Apr 4, 2014
6. Ezra
9. Paix
14. walters.

Don't buy the not old enough stuff on ezra. If we didnt have one of most experienced and top halfbacks in the comp partnering him I would agree its to risky but this is the perfect opportunity for him and broncos to be blooded into that position. he will not be expected to do to much just play his natural game which will suit Reynolds perfectly.

so that leaves Billy/turpin/paix. Im a turpin fan but so far judging on trials i would put paix starting and billy on bench.

Billy has looked solid/good but not spectacular in both 9 and 6 making him the perfect 14 imo.


Just a Game
Aug 28, 2010
I think our biggest priority should be defence and maturity. We have been the victim of a team that is too green and who have become too familiar with losing. That being said I would actually throw all incumbency out the window and start from scratch with guys who will steady the ship and get the job done. We have heaps of young players with higher ceilings than some of the older guys but I would be pushing to have some of them have to earn their spot again by going back and showing they can get the fundamentals right.

Fully fit I would start with the below and have the younger guys re-earn their starts.

1. Niu
2. Farnworth
3. Lee
4. Staggs
5. Periera
6. Walters
7. Reynolds
8. Haas
9. Turpin
10. James
11. Capewell
12. Riki
13. Hetherington

14. Paix
15. Jensen / Robati
16. Carrigan
17. Flegler

Once we show a bit of defensive structure I would look at introducing Mam at 6 (pending cup form) and shifting Billy to 9 (assuming Turpin still sucks and Paix is going well off the bench). The risk is that we lose Cobbo if he isn’t starting though so maybe we cut our losses with Farnworth and chuck him on the wing.


International Rep
Aug 25, 2018
Fully fit I would start with the below and have the younger guys re-earn their starts.

10. James
Ah yes, I forgot all about Ryan. He and Patty have something in common: they've both captained teams to a Wooden Spoon. Ryan has one up though. He also played for last year's Spooners. Can he make it three?


State of Origin Rep
Jun 6, 2014
While it may be nepotism, after watching last night, it's between Billy and Ezra Mam for the 6 jersey, so while yes it could be seen as nepotism.. most fans will agree that he's one of the frontrunners.

I don't think Kevvie will have any issues with making a hard call if he needs to make it and if you're Billy Walters, I can't imagine there'd be anything more motivating than making your dad and your coach proud at the same time.


State of Origin Captain
Mar 14, 2008
Naturally I voted for the least relevant option.

But I'm fine with him coming on as a utility. I think Paix will be the unlucky one to miss out initially but Turpin doesn't really have a firm grasp on the 9 imo, so could very well see Walters/Paix with 18. Turpin.


NRL Captain
Mar 4, 2008
I just hope the indecision & mixed messages from Kevvie stop this year. I have my doubts. I wish he took the hint about mixing up his coaching staff & brought in an assistant that could translate for him.


Just a Game
Aug 28, 2010
I just hope the indecision & mixed messages from Kevvie stop this year. I have my doubts. I wish he took the hint about mixing up his coaching staff & brought in an assistant that could translate for him.
Well this pre-season hasn’t filled me with confidence regarding that.


International Rep
Aug 25, 2018
Look at the Billy's play in the first try. This is exactly what we're not getting from Jake, or Herbie, for that matter:



Aug 24, 2017
**** the whole nepotism argument. He has support staff who aren't biased.

Walters will and should be the 6, no ifs or buts.

Turpin can play 20 minutes to start the game then head to the showers.

MAM should be given the odd injury cover game and slowly given a taste with a view to a more full-time role next year.

I wouldn't hate a 9/14 split with Paix/Walters and MAM as 6 but I do think it's too early to throw MAM there full-time. You need to feed players into grade slowly.
I like how your autocorrect changes it to MAM.

It’s like everything you say about him, you say with conviction.

Kimlo: MAM should be captain.
Me: I'm sold, lock it in.

Kimlo: Mam should be captain.
Me: I disagree, he’s obviously too young and inexperienced.
Dazza 92

Dazza 92

NRL Captain
Oct 13, 2014
Paix doing some nice things when within the red zone....i really do think for the first time that hooker spot isnt Turps for round 1 automatically...


NRL Player
Feb 25, 2015
If the goal is not using turps for more than 20 a game, would we not be better off having someone like hetherington run the hooking role for 20, give him till the second half to get some gas back then shift him into the 13 for the second half?

I'm not a fan of someone being picked to play 20 who can only really cover 9 or a half poorly. Seems wasteful given the interchange limits.

Paix starts off the bench with the first 15-20 player by someone who can still contribute.

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