Darius I'm sure you're aware that all over Queensland, indeed Australia there are battlers doing it real tough. Some are on shitty casual hours, some have two or three part time jobs trying to make ends meet, some have no job and are well below the poverty line.
For them a meal in a fancy restaurant is well out of reach. Forget holidays overseas or even interstate. Hell a monthly trip to Maccas is considered a luxury and a special treat for the wee ones. There is not much for them to look forward to and very little highlights in their weekly routine as they struggle to eek out a living.
Some have serious ailments and are house bound, some are fighting mental demons brought on by the depressive state of trying to cope with today's so called 'modernity'.
One thing that costs next to nothing and that really lifts their spirits is watching their favourite team play on the weekend and the little glow of excitement they get watching their boys rip in may be the only positive feeling and ray of sunshine they get through an otherwise hellish week.
For you to say that rugby league "is only a game" is a downright disgrace. Seeing the Broncos run around and doing their thing means the world to so many people. You must know this as you have been on numerous trips to country towns during origin and seen how much the game means to these people.
Saying "it's only a game" was like shitting on every loyal fan that has put their heart, soul and hard earned cash in to supporting you. You really have lost the plot sunshine. You're a disgrace to the jersey, the club and are doing yourself a gross disservice when you sprout this insensitive claptrap.
Every other Broncos captain before you let their actions speak for them. I suggest you zip it, stop talking the talk and start walking the walk. If you can't earn your grossly over payed salary at least try and earn some respect from the Broncos fansbase.