NEWS Boyd’s Brutally Honest Assessment of Hellish Season

I believe we deserve better performance, yes. I have no issue with what Boyd was quoted as having said. I wasn't upset and I thought his appraisal was reasonable. Everyone perceives things differently. Boyd has been poor and I believe he knows it.

Yeah he has been but most of our team has been aswell. Society loves to have, especially on social media.
It's funny to see all the sheep jumping on the hate train!
Every single person needs to take blame from the top to the bottom.
Look at that score line. I know we won the short drop out, but a penalty on halfway could have swung the momentum big time.

Yep, that's what made it so much worse. I was furious when it happened because we had all the momentum and just like that he through it away. The look on Lodge's face said it all.
I think many of you are reading far too much into the comment that it's 'only a game'. It is only a game, a game amongst hundreds of others. The fact that people attach such importance to it, and by it I mean winning at something is secondary. I'm certain Boyd wasn't belittling others or being entitled or whatever significance so many are attaching to the comment.

Sure it means a lot to some and none of us like the current situation but so many on here are getting upset about something that wasn't said. They are getting upset about what they attach to the simple statement not having any clue as to that which Boyd intended.

When a close friend was dying in front of me, at that moment rugby league, like so many other games was in fact 'just a game'. It wasn't important, hell it wasn't even close to being worth a thought. I believe Boyd was simply pointing out that it's not life or death and if it disappeared tomorrow it wouldn't change the world one iota. Sure we'd miss it but there are so many other things more important. A couple on here have considered ending their lives and I say that's truly a life and death situation and while they contemplated their future, rugby league wasn't that important in that moment. It was after all, just a game.
Sorry mate but thats not how every story goes. When my Nan was dying in hospital she had her room decked out in Maroon and Gold. She loved the Broncos and Queensland to death. It was around origin time so that had something to do with it. Some would say thats crazy but it was her way. The nurses said you could hear her yelling from the nurses station, scared them the first time they heard it because they thought she needed help. Nope all she needed was those bastard refs to stop cheating haha. My love of the Broncos springs from her, in a lot of ways they keep me connected to her. I hear that voice in my head I heard as a kid in a living room in Ipswich 20 odd years ago. It may not be life and death but a game can be bigger then just the contest. Its that primal thing in us, that tribal mentality.

A few of us have pointed out what the game is for so many. Boyds attitude is a poor one not because our side isn't winning but because some are barely trying. If it wasn't just a game to Boyd he would be a better leader. I would prefer him as far away from our youth as possible.
With all this debate about emotion and stories etc.

The one thting that still stinks is Boyds lack of ability to lead and relate, which is why his comments are pissing people off. Hes not a leader, hes not a fighter on the field, and no longer looks to have competitive spirit. Even if it is still in his head - hes not displaying it. It is why he should no longer be the captain, and possibly wearing broncos colours, irrelevant of how much hes been through in life - doesn't mean shit if he cant lead on the field.
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I don't mind it's "only a game" it's divisive because Boyd is perceived as not trying at the moment and not caring- if Broncos are coming first and Boyd killing it then that comment is viewed as life perspective from a relaxed player.

How many articles have been written with the player having children and saying it's just a game, now I come home I know it doesn't matter that I kicked out on the full because said baby doesn't care and I need to be dad- it would be in the millions.

I would be more worried if Boyd was saying i do the most important job in the world and it is all that matters.
I don't mind it's "only a game" it's divisive because Boyd is perceived as not trying at the moment and not caring- if Broncos are coming first and Boyd killing it then that comment is viewed as life perspective from a relaxed player.

How many articles have been written with the player having children and saying it's just a game, now I come home I know it doesn't matter that I kicked out on the full because said baby doesn't care and I need to be dad- it would be in the millions.

I would be more worried if Boyd was saying i do the most important job in the world and it is all that matters.

Context is important too. He wasn't saying 'it's only a game, I don't know why anybody cares' it was more 'it's only a game, so some of the personal attacks are a bit much' which considering what gets posted about him is fair.

The problem with Darius is what he isn't telling the media. As a leader, he should take ownership of his performance and explain how he hopes to improve. His decision to hide behind cliches just tells the fans that he's avoiding the issue which isn't doing him any favours. It very much feels like he's going to keep doing what he's doing until the coaches tell him to move.
“I just hope the media remember we are talking about a game of rugby league. It’s not life and death"
Unless I have missed news articles saying he should top himself the majority are saying he is well below other fullbacks, lacking motivation /passion or it's time to give it up etc . Everything I have read are rugby league related points which are fairly accurate if you watch him play. That's my problem with this attitude about its only a game like as though he is rubbishing all of the accurate criticism that he deserves and shows us we shouldn't expect more from a captain of a club we have been following and spending money towards for alot of us our whole lives. I'm pretty sure we all understand he's playing a game of football but he's running from facts and that is what pisses me off tbh. But that's just me
Storm in a teacup, really....

Boyd's comments were fine. Acknowledging and recognising that Rugby League is, in fact, just a game is refreshing.

Perhaps the lesson here is being cautious of projecting your own passions and way of life onto a sporting team, or its players, who might not necessarily share those same values.
We're fielding 823 games less experience than the Sharts on Sunday (2151 games to 1328).

Of our 1328 games, 811 belong to Boyd, Glenn & Macca.

I know we're tired of Siebold banging on about it but our squad is seriously inexperienced & particularly with our injury situation I'm not sure dropping Macca + Boyd is the answer this week.

Experience is one thing, effort is another. We aren’t losing because of a lack of experience, we’re losing because our team is full of the type of pea-hearted, self-entitled wankers like Boyd, who unlike him have achieved 2/5ths of f*ckall, that strut around as if their sh*t doesn’t stink and who are continually re-assured, pampered and told they are actual superstars of the game and think all they have to do is turn up and everything is golden.

They are completely sheltered from public criticism - hence it doesn’t mean anything to them and they have been coached and managed consistently for years with ‘welfare’ as the primary goal, rather than performance. Now that there is a coach who reportedly demands performance (even if he hasn’t been getting it) we are seeing the sulking reaction of a bunch of spoilt brats, masquerading as rough tough footballers, that reek of entitlement and lack desire.

Even Darius who to his credit has at least achieved a few things in his career now seems infected by it as was revealed by his comment: ‘I’m still training hard.’

Well whoop de f*cking do, mate! There are 35,000 people running on the Gold Coast on Sunday who have been training hard for, in Corey Parker’s own words ‘the hardest thing I’ve ever done’ and they don’t get paid one f*cking cent for doing it, unlike you sir on $800,000 a year, plus endorsements...

Carrying on as if ‘training hard’ is something special we should all bow down to him for. No wonder these pricks are so friggin useless. That should be your baseline d*ckhead! Not something special you point out in a media interview responding to the media that ‘you never read...’
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Storm in a teacup, really....

Boyd's comments were fine. Acknowledging and recognising that Rugby League is, in fact, just a game is refreshing.

Perhaps the lesson here is being cautious of projecting your own passions and way of life onto a sporting team, or its players, who might not necessarily share those same values.

There are definitely things worth getting more outraged and upset by than a player disgracing a football team with bad attitude. Most people here will be more likely to protest march at Red Hill than they would for actual injustices in the world. We are all pretty ridiculous on that score.

Having said that, if you're a public role model, which goes with the job, should you not care about how you perform? I once captained a B grade warehouse cricket team, and we stank, but I'm sure I cared more about how we played and about the guys giving their best than Boyd appears to. (And we paid for the privilege of playing, we weren't paid a million a season to reluctantly turn up and phone it in at bare minimum of effort).

It's not just the 2019 campaign Boyd is crapping on. It's the legacy of what the Broncos used to stand for (even if they lost, they played with heart and you could be proud to call them your team. You could be inspired by their heart in other areas of life). What lessons are being projected by this side's manner of play? "Gets tough, give up. Do the bare minimum. When you're called on it make excuses, shrug in indifference and say it's not life or death."
Also it’s not the media driving this story , I think they have been slow on condemning his performances , it has come from fans and forums like this and the media is jumping on the bandwagon late.
bingo. I believe @Nashy said something to the effect of that a few weeks back. And now once he's dropped the media will lead the outrage in condemning the axing of a legend.
Also it’s not the media driving this story , I think they have been slow on condemning his performances , it has come from fans and forums like this and the media is jumping on the bandwagon late.

If anything the RL media looked like they were doing everything they could to ignore this story until social media blew up so much they had no choice but to acknowledge it
There are definitely things worth getting more outraged and upset by than a player disgracing a football team with bad attitude. Most people here will be more likely to protest march at Red Hill than they would for actual injustices in the world. We are all pretty ridiculous on that score.

Having said that, if you're a public role model, which goes with the job, should you not care about how you perform? I once captained a B grade warehouse cricket team, and we stank, but I'm sure I cared more about how we played and about the guys giving their best than Boyd appears to. (And we paid for the privilege of playing, we weren't paid a million a season to reluctantly turn up and phone it in at bare minimum of effort).

It's not just the 2019 campaign Boyd is crapping on. It's the legacy of what the Broncos used to stand for (even if they lost, they played with heart and you could be proud to call them your team. You could be inspired by their heart in other areas of life). What lessons are being projected by this side's manner of play? "Gets tough, give up. Do the bare minimum. When you're called on it make excuses, shrug in indifference and say it's not life or death."

A well-written post, mate.

Agreed 100% with the first section.

I'd say Darius Boyd is a public figure. Personally, I wouldn't call him a role model. The thing about role models is that you get to choose them. People aren't born with role models intact.

That's adult wisdom though. I understand plenty of young people and children look up to these guys.

Here's an interesting thought: What if there is a Broncos supporter, young or old, that has Boyd as their best player?

It reminds of the poster here (I forget who) who once wrote that before they signed up here Andrew McCullough was his favourite player.

Do we know, for sure, that Boyd isn't trying his best?

Players have been in and out of form since 1908 but the dog piling on Boyd from the media and the fan base is kinda disturbing.

As for the Broncos legacy, well it's been stagnant for a while now.

A couple of factors I believe have contributed to this. Not many to do with Boyd.

Gorden Tallis lamented years ago, while still playing for us, that rivals no longer fear the Broncos' forward pack.

The earliest source I can find that Wayne Bennett was too old, out of touch, doesn't understand the modern game etc was from 2003. Whether it's true or not and whether it's hurt the club long term, I'm not sure.

The Melbourne Storm have precision engineered the approach the Broncos have taken to perfection. It's understandable considering John Ribot, Chris Johns, Craig Bellamy, Glenn Lazarus etc all have strong ties to the Broncos.

They all headed south determined to make the Storm a 'super' club by doing what the Broncos did and avoiding some of the problems we encountered.

It's a bitter pill to swallow but the Melbourne Storm are the modern version of the Broncos.
Yeah I understand how you feel but you've got to stick with your team no matter what.

Move along pal. You're not welcome here.
This will likely offend you all but after having given up on this season I am thoroughly loving the Boyd shitshow and look forward to it every week. He really didn't disappoint last game with those two spectacular howlers and I cannot wait to see what comedy gold awaits against the Sharkies.

"Not a real fan", some will yell at me. Maybe not any more, but I was a fan of the broncos back when they were the broncos. Remember the way Broncos used to be about exciting ad lib football with take-no-shit hard as nails forwards, the team you could never write off even if they were down by 20? When we become the broncos again I'll be back on board, till then I am an amused neutral enjoying the comedy stylings of Darius Boyd.